Ес Си Ай Швейцария набират дългосрочни ЕДС доброволци за 5 различни проекта с продължителност от 6 до 12 месеца в периода 2020-2021
На възраст сте между 18 и 30 години? Търсите си вълнуващи и интересни дългосрочни доброволчески проекти? Имаме добра новина за вас – цели 5 страхотни проекта в Швейцария търсят своите доброволци. Как ви звучи да живеете в зелена и красива Швейцария докато работите за смислени и обогатяващи проекти в еко-селище, пътуващ цирк, център за търсещи закрила, общност или пък неправителствена организация? Изборът е голям и го оставяме на вас! Имате време да си помислите, сигурни сме, че ще намерите това, което търсите.
- Проект 1: Eco-village Sennruti, Degersheim , 4 доброволеца (1 година от март 2020)
- Проект 2: Asylum Centers, Valais, 3 доброволеца (1 година от януари или март 2020)
- Проект 3: Peace Council Zurich, 1 доброволец (1 година от март 2020)
- Проект 4: Circus Lollyop, Luen, 1 доброволец (6 месеца от март 2020)
- Проект 5: Center of Unity Schweibenalp, Brienz, 2 доброволеца, (7 месеца от април 2020)
Прочетете повече информация за самите проекти по-долу. В случай, че имате въпроси или колебания, може да пишете на Наталия на longterm@cvs-bg.org
Процедура за кандидатстване:
- за кандидатсване, изпратете CV и мотивационно писмо за конкретния проект на английски език, за който кандидатствате, до Наталия на longterm@cvs-bg.org
- в случай че искате да кандидатсвате за повече от 1 проект, добавете конкретно мотивационно писмо за всеки един от проектите
- краен срок за кандидатсване: 14-ти ноември 2019 г. (включително)
- за одобрените по документи са предвидени скайп интервюта в периода края на ноември – началото на декември 2019 г.
1. Herzfeld Sennruti is looking for 4 ECS volunteers
Start: 1 March 2020
Duration: 12 months

The Eco-village in Degersheim, a holistic community project that promotes sustainable living, will offer 4 volunteers the possibility to participate in organic gardening, kitchen work, homecare, ecological building construction or refurbishing and event management, public relations and childcare. Beside all this, the volunteers will be encouraged and supported in developing their own ideas, initiatives and independent working. They can learn how and where they can contribute to all aspects of community life.
The Eco-Village community area is located near a small village in the canton St.Gallen in a rural setting with beautiful nature surroundings. The area consist of several buildings with apartments, communal rooms, a library, guest rooms, dining room, art workshops, dance and yoga rooms, a garden with fire pit, sauna, children play grounds, yurts, lots of fruit trees, berries and a vegetable garden. The community is organized in several working groups with members from different cultures, ages and backgrounds. Volunteers can participate in open community events and meetings and get to know social aspects, conflict solution tools, group dynamics and organizational skills. You can read more about the experience of former longterm volunteers in the project here and here.
Accommodation: Single bedrooms and a shared apartment with kitchen within the eco-village.
Requirements: Participants are motivated to live and work in an ecological and open community with children, young people, adults and elders. We expect them to agree and live in accordance with our common grounds.
2. ASYLUM CENTERS IN VALAIS, SWITZERLAND is looking for 3 volunteers
Start: 1 volunteer in January, 2 volunteers in March 2020
Duration: 12 months

The Asylum Office of the canton of Valais provides several centers in the region, where asylum seekers live, work and get education during the time they wait for their decision for a stay permit. The Asylum Office will host 3 volunteers. They will work in “RADOS” in Sion, the center for unaccompanied minor refugees. The volunteers will be responsible for the entertainment and organisation of activities for unaccompanied minor refugees. They will also support the first registration office, which is located in the same building and is responsible for newly arrive refugees in the canton Valais. One task for both centers will be to help accompany the refugees to appointments (i.e. with doctor/ administrations), help with childcare, support some administrative work and organize events for the refugees.
Accommodation: The volunteers will live in two shared apartments in Sion (outside the asylum centers), including bath and kitchen.
Requirements: As asylum seekers often suffer(ed) from very stressful experiences, the volunteer mustn’t be racist or xenophobe in any kind of way. A criminal background check is obligatory. Candidates with experience in the described activities above will have an advantage in the selection process.
3. Peace Council Zurich, Switzerland, is looking for 1 volunteer
Start: March 2020
Duration: 12 months

The Swiss Peace Council is a small peace organization that publishes a magazine and organizes different events on international peace and conflict prevention topics. 1 volunteer will accompany the production of the magazine, help with research and maintain the online part of the organization.
The office is located in Zurich, the largest Swiss city. The volunteer will work together with the publisher and head of Peace Council Zurich, occasionally with board members, a co-worker (former longterm volunteer) and other local working groups in Zurich. Occasionally they will work in the SCI Switzerland office in Berne as part of cooperation between these two organizations. The tasks will be adapted to the knowledge and interest of the volunteer: Organization of (own) events, updating / refurbishing the online part of the organization (website/social media), assisting in research on peace topics for the quarterly published peace magazine, supporting the writing (in German), layouting and publishing of the latter. One aim of the project is the knowledge exchange concerning peace topics between the Peace Council and SCI Switzerland.
Accommodation: The volunteer will either stay in a room with a host family or a room in a shared flat in Zurich.
Requirements: To be able to work in the publishing process of the magazine, a fair amount of German language skills is required as well as English for the research activities. It’s also good to have abilities to maintain the online part of the organization (WordPress-CMS-website and Facebook), but not mandatory. As the staff of the Peace Council is in their second part of life, they’re looking forward to a young and innovative person who has some knowledge with social media to reach out for the younger generation to get them more involved into peace topics.
4. CIRCUS LOLLYOP IN LUEN, SWITZERLAND is looking for 1 volunteer for 6 months (1. March – 31. August 2020)
Start: 1 March 2020
Duration: 6 months

Circus Lollypop in Luen is a well-established traveling circus working with children and youth with the aim to encourage young people to develop their own youth culture and gain more self-consciousness. 1 volunteer will travel with the circus through Switzerland from March till August and make stops at many schools in several cantons. At the end of the service, the volunteer might even get the opportunity to accompany the circus to a country of Eastern Europe for the month of September, (mostly working with minorities in this country), but this month will not be part of the ESC and will be organized between the volunteer and the circus independently in case of a successful ESC. The tasks in the circus vary from setting up the tent to animate the children and help with all the circus related tasks for 6 months.
Each week the circus travels to another small village. They live in caravans and buses during the tour and work and live together like a big family. The EVS volunteer is incorporated in the base team and his/her creativity is needed. The main work is the circus animation with children and youth. The volunteer will practice with young people different circus elements and at the end of the week the children always present their newly created show in the circus tent in front of many spectators consisting of family and community members. The volunteer also helps set the circus tent, do technical stuff, crafts and housework and play in the small circus band.
Accommodation: Simple living conditions! You’ll live in a circus trailer during the tour and most of the times use the sanitary arrangements of the schools (group showers etc.), the kitchen is set in a trailer.
Requirements: You have to enjoy working with children and youth. You must respect the wishes and ideas of the children and try to provide an excellent experience for them. This year we’re looking specifically for a male volunteer as we need someone strong to help setting up the tent. If someone has artistic, musical or theatrical skills, this will be taken into account during the selection. It is important that the volunteer can integrate and feel at home in the circus life, which sometimes can be demanding (extended working hours, simple living conditions).
5. Center of Unity Schweibenalp, Brienz, Switzerland is looking for 2 volunteers
Start: 1 April 2020
Duration: 7 months

In the midst of the Bernese Oberland Alps, on a plateau at 1100m above sea level with view on the turquoise Lake Brienz, lies the Center of Unity Schweibenalp. As a living and working community we manage the seminar business and the alpine permaculture gardens (4 ha). As a part of the Global Ecovillages Network (GEN), we consider ourselves as one of the emerging models for a holistic cultural transformation. At the Center of Unity Schweibenalp we contribute since more than 30 years to the development of an integral life culture and universal spirituality.
We are offering you the opportunity to be with us and to experience community living, community building, conscious living with each other and nature, as well as running a seminar business together. We want to encourage personal and spiritual development. We are living and working together on Schweibenalp and we share the place with our many guests of the seminars and other volunteers. You will be working in the various possible areas: permaculture garden (herbery, vegetable, nursery, seed garden); housework, kitchen, maintenance, and you will also be encouraged to have your own project. While working in the various areas, we welcome clarity and openness with other people, a good ability to communicate, flexibility and please don’t forget to pack your humour, independence and self-responsibility. You are welcome to join different working groups according to your talents, and you will be taking part at the different events of the community.
Accommodation: Shared rooms (!) with shared bathrooms. The volunteers live together with other volunteers (short & long term) in multiple shared rooms on the upper floor of the main building. There are common rooms that can be used by all volunteers as well (e.g. small living room, library, meditation room, etc.). The volunteers will cook and eat together with the community and seminar guests (vegetarian, vegan and partly ayurvedic kitchen).
Requirements: Participants are motivated to live and work in a remotely located ecological, spiritual and open community of all ages and cultures. You don’t mind living in a shared bedroom and you agree and want to live in accordance with our common grounds.
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