A story from Stela Koycheva

‘’Share, Experience, Get Inspired!” is not only the name of the seminar I attended this October but also the most valuable lesson that I learned during my stay there. It is still in my heart almost a month later and I will cherish and keep it for long time. Mainly because during my stay there it proved to be true, it changed who I am and will help in the future.

Use inspirational places in the nature

Use inspirational places in the nature

These simple words convey deeper meaning that depicts the essence of being a trainer, educator, youth worker or generally a good positive person. Through opening yourself to share, experience you get inspired and this leads to changes- both internal in yourself and external. Aren’t we all as educators and people working in the social sector striving for change?

Roads and intersections

Roads and intersections

I met the most wonderful group of individuals- each of them had exciting stories and is doing impressive and meaningful work . We came in as strangers and left as friends as each of us helped one other to answer some questions, gain confidence, find insight or just have a productive time in an encouraging safe space. We learned a lot in terms of methods and practical skills. However, the most precious gift we got was the gift of sharing of experience, getting inspired and spread the positive energy all around.

Stay SEGI forever!


LogosBeneficairesErasmusLEFT_BG-1 The project “Share, Experience, Get Inspired! – Enjoy the diversity of non-formal learning tools” is a Youth workers’ mobility project (Nr. 2018-2-BE05-KA105-002479) and is co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.


 Posted by Shirin at 17:42 Volunteer activities

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