SAVA working group works mainly with volunteers on Balkan
SCI SAVA working group (more info at www.sciint.org) is calling for volunteers from Balkan organizations to join our MTV (does not stand for Music TV) projects for up to 3 months. Enthusiastic volunteers can apply for one of our 4 projects – in Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria and Croatia.
In Kosovo you can support GAIA in organizing their summer workcamps and Art in Action project in Plemetina village. With CVS Bulgaria you can spend 2 months volunteering in Eco-center Vlahi, with VCV team – spend 2 months in Novi Sad, working with them on different projects. Finally, you can choose volunteering in Kuterevo Bear Refuge in Croatia for up to 3 months, joining their environmental summer programs and working with their international team. More information about each of the projects can be found in the document attached.
All interested volunteers from the Balkans, regardless of age (but still 18+), experience, underwear colour and so forth, can apply to these projects by filling in the application form which should be sent to savawg@yahoo.com (subject: SAVA MTV application) as soon as possible and before 20th of April.
Volunteers should read descriptions and apply for only one of the projects. Besides that, volunteers should:
- come from the Balkans
- be at least 18 years young
- be willing to spend one, two or three months in challenging volunteering projects in the Balkan region
- should be supported by SCI branch or partner from the Balkans (please check www.sciint.org)
All costs of volunteering can be covered by the project, although certain contribution by the volunteers is welcome (ie. travel costs, health insurance). For any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us via email to savawg@yahoo.com.
Looking forward to receiving your applications,
PS. MTV stands for Mid-term volunteering 🙂