Rian Hulscher


My name is Petya, a Bulgarian Youth Worker who joined the FLOW training in Innsbruck, Austria this April. 

FLOW stands for FLOW – “Facilitating, Learning, Organising and Welcoming” and the project was designed to deliver critical training for trainers to foster highly sought-after skills and personal inspiration that every trainer should possess.

I was very happy to be part of FLOW! In one week, I learned new techniques and approaches related to group facilitation and training delivery. In addition, I had the chance to meet and exchange ideas and experience with Youth Workers and Trainers from other EU countries. 

The intense daily program, packed with fun activities and practical workshops, usually ended with relaxed evenings where we all gathered to mingle, play games and come together as a group. The friendly atmosphere and the chill vibes made me feel happy and at ease. 

Now that I am back in Bulgaria, I can say that my heart is full and I am more than excited for future opportunities to train and pass on what I have learned. 

Many thanks for this amazing experience!



FLOW is financially supported by SCI’s Operating Grant, Partnership on Peace 2024, funded by the CERV Programme of the European Union.

 Posted by Rian Hulscher at 14:07 Comments Off on FLOW – Facilitating, Learning, Organising, Welcoming- a participant impressions from a Training for Trainers