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Balkan Myth Busters – Youth Exchange in Kosovo

13th – 23rd of March 2017

This youth exchange will gather 30 young people from Greece, Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria and Germany. The program will be focused on deconstruction of national myths, stories and legends, through creative, non-formal and informal educational methods. During this youth exchange we will:

  • explore backgrounds of different national myths
  • learn about the role of national myths in shaping of identity
  • explore collective identities, national, Balkan, European and other
  • be deconstructing myths, and try to understand their impact on the society
  • learn how history textbooks are being used for nationalistic propaganda
  • learn about local identity of people in Velika Ho?a
  • visit Prizren, mosques, medieval churches and the fortress
  • visit Visoki De?ani Monastery
  • visit local cultural organizations
  • enjoy local food, products, customs and traditions

This youth exchange is part of Balkans Myth Busters project, supported by Erasmus+ program and includes series of international youth events. In November 2016, a seminar on national myths and youth work took place in Tavankut (Serbia), while in August 2017, we will organize another youth exchange in Trstenik (Serbia).

The project is coordinated by VCV from Serbia and GAIA from Kosovo, while other partners in this youth exchange are CVS Bulgaria, SCI Hellas, SCI Germany and CID Macedonia.




Program will be diverse, intensive and very much up to participants. We will be having sessions in the morning and afternoon, but also evening activities. Frame of the program will be prepared by the group leaders, but participants are expected to contribute with their own ideas, skills, questions, suggestions, games, movies etc.

We will be accommodated in several private houses around the village. 4-6 people will be sharing one house. The food will be prepared by local cooks and it will be traditional, local, seasonal and vegetarian. The village is traditionally rich in wine-growing and wineries, so participants will also learn about this old tradition and taste some of the best wines from Kosovo.



Velika Ho?a (local dialect: Golema O?a, Albanian: Ho?a e Madhe) is a village located near the town of Rahovac/Orahovac. It is one of the Serb enclaves in Kosovo, and houses some 13 Orthodox church buildings, most of which date back to the Middle Ages. It was first mentioned in history in 1198, but the region itself was populated even during antiquity. The village is famous for its viticulture, a tradition that also dates back to the antiquity. Therefore Velika Ho?a is often called the “village museum”.

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A Youth Exchange in the frame of the Erasmus+ Program is a project which brings together groups of young people from two or more countries providing them an opportunity to confront and discuss various subjects while learning about each other’s countries, peoples and cultures. Youth exchanges give young people the opportunity to become active, involved, creative, and critical, to learn from each other, to learn about and challenge themselves, to make mistakes and learn from that, to experience diversity in small…



Each partner organisation will choose 5 participants, among which one will be a group leader, who took part in the BMB seminar in November last year. Previous experience in international youth gatherings (exchanges, seminars, workcamps…) is not required nor advantage, but here are several points which will be taken into account. The participant should:

  • be interested in topics and willing to get prepared before the youth exchange
  • be willing to live sustainable and in an international community in a small village surrounded by nature and hills for 10 days
  • be ready for active participation and contribution
  • be in the age between 18 and 30 (few exceptions possible for young people under 18; group leaders can be older than 30)



  • accommodation and food will be covered through the project
  • travel costs (only environmentally friendly means of transport) will be reimbursed after ALL ORIGINAL tickets are received
  • internet will not be available, except for urgent, so if you are supposed to write your thesis or cannot survive without Facebook, please do not consider applying

If you are interested, please fill in the application form and send it to no later than January 31st. Soon after that we will get in touch with the selected participants


 Posted by Vera at 00:33 Volunteer activities Comments Off on Balkan Myth busters – Youth Exchange 13-23rd March

Association Re-Act would like to invite you to the Youth Exchange Project:


22nd-31stMay 2016

Ponikva, Macedonia




Project Description


A BRIDGE 4 GAPS is a 10day cultural youth exchange & workshop programme aimed at young people ages 18 to 30 years.

The exchange is designed to equip participants with the skills leading to their employment; to nurture creative and critical thinking and to offer practical entrepreneurial business planning ideas in a fun, informal play work setting.

It is also an opportunity for participants from a multitude of backgrounds to share experiences, exchange information, generate ideas leading to change and extend their network of friends, peers and collaborators within Europe.

Themes/Topics the project addresses:

  • ? Labour Market Issues including Career guidance/youth unemployment
  • ? Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong) learning
  • ? Entrepreneurial learning –entrepreneurship education


Location of Accommodation:

Motel Restaurant Mice, Ponikva, Macedonia (

ALLparticipants will be accommodated on the site grounds in 4-man camping tents. Each country will have a room in the motel for the storage of luggage and access to washroom and bathroom facilities.

There is a canteen on site that can host all participants for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Breakfast will be self-serving. Two cooks we have hired for the duration of the project will cater for lunch and dinner.If it is feasible, (this will be dependant on weather) dinner will make use of the BBQ pit available at the site.

Project Activities:

The ‘A BRIDGE 4 GAPS’ Project is about addressing the issue of unemployment in young people by improving individual key competences and skills using the concept of “playwork” education and peer to peer mentorship in an intergenerational and intercultural environment.

Our objective is to help young people begin the process of self-evaluation, critical thinking and learning thereby improving their employability and career prospects.

Participants will get the opportunity to engage in workshops delivered by professionals currently working successfully in their industries; who will share first hand experiences of their workand offer advise relating to building a career as an employee or an entrepreneur.

We believe these first hand accounts are invaluable in bridging the gap from education to employment.

At the end of the project all participants will be awarded a YouthPass certificate from the EU recognising them for the skills they have acquired during the project.


Travelling to Macedonia

Travel Budget:  ALL participants are required to make their own arrangements for travel to SKOPJE AIRPORT or HOTEL MICE. If arriving at the airport you will be greeted and escorted to the final destination.

All participants will be individually reimbursed for the cost of their travel up to the specified amount indicated by the budget outlinebelow.

The travel budget for this project is as set out by the Erasmus+ guidelines and distance calculator. Costs are per person.

  •  United Kingdom – 270 eur
  •  Poland – 170 eur
  •  Austria – 170 eur
  •  Bulgaria – 80 eur
  •  Macedonia – 20eur


IMPORTANT:original receipts of travel tickets and fuel must be provided for reimbursements up to the amount stated by the guidelines.

To Participate:

All willing participants must complete the online application form prior to joining the project. Participants under the age of 18 must provide their designated ‘Group Leader’ a signed letter of consent by a parent/guardian.


Please forward any questions to: Neil at

 Posted by Vera at 19:18 Volunteer activities Comments Off on Apply for Youth exchange “A BRIDGE 4 GAPS “, Macedonia, 22 nd -31 st May

Search for participants from Bulgaria!
I am an Austrian student with strong interest in European youth policies, wanting to join the EYE – European Youth Event 2016 in Strasbourg, FR with a motivated, Europe-interested group of young people aged 16-30. For the group „Austria/CEE“ I am still searching for participants from Bulgaria (aged 16-30) with experience with the EU youth programme „ERASMUS+/Youth in Action“ (e.g. EVS, youth exchange) or some other kind of European experience (ERASMUS study abroad, internship, etc.), willing to participate in this large-scale European event.
The EYE – European Youth Event 2016 – 20./21. May 2016 in Strasbourg, France: After the successful EYE 2014, this will be the second edition where the European Parliament will open its doors to even more young Europeans (7000 participants). During two days, youth in Europe will be invited to develop and present their ideas in a politically, socially and culturally diverse event.
„Together, we can make a change!“
Check out more info on
If you are young and enthusiastic about Europe, with lots of fresh ideas, and from Bulgaria, join our team!
Tell us in 3 lines WHY you want to be part of the Austria/CEE team in a mail with the subject „EYE 2016“ until 6 December to:
Keep your EYES open for EYE 2016!

 Posted by Vera at 16:32 Volunteer activities Comments Off on European Youth Event in Strasbourg
Mar 232015

 Enjoy the story of our EVS volunteer Boryana Svetichkova, who has been in Park in Lambichler Jugendhaus in Tirol, Austria since October 2014.



The story of my Jahresbericht starts way earlier, not even start that year 2014. It begins probably the time my grandmother was born, but I wouldn’t like take all of your time now, my dear reader, I will try let you sneak in, even though the play has begun a long time ago.
“There’s absolutely no way”, she exclaims almost  flinging a cabbage leaf towards the new curtains in front of  her terror-stricken mother, foreseeing the  disastrous  consequences on the interior.

“Hehe, I was also young once, my dear. Also … where do you think you got this lovely dose of recklessness? Well, yours is a little bit over the proportions that are my taste …. But what can I say … today’s cuisine has revealed more and stronger, coming from distant worlds spices! “ ,  never stops to amaze me my grandmother,  with her witty and always in an  appropriate and intelligent manner humor.
That very moment somebody rings on the door and my mother leaves to handle it,  leaving the idyll of the warm hood heated kitchen and three generations of women, carefully following the mystical rules of the Christmas dinner tradition, talking  and remembering their lives. It must have been longer than just a few moments as when my mother returns, she finds my grandma and me both with tears rolling down our cheeks, though only one of us was cutting onion.

“It’s in the air”, we manage to slip out of the situation.

Indeed it was, but my mother could sense that it was actually more in our blood. That connection between an ancestor and descendant and the moment the latter truly unearths  and understands herself.  That obvious face features similarity that I have with my mother I cannot deny, but that free soul and somewhat careless but determined to extremes character behind the facade that I inherit from my grandmother, remains hidden only on first sight.  The only visible mark that discloses it is the scarlet spots on my cheeks supplied with that very same as my mother’s still burning, though not that wildly anymore, blood.



I guess I was also bitten by the restless bug as traveling is my greatest pain and passion. Some have wrath, others have vanity, and I have wanderlust.  Much of a dreamer, but also a man of science, I find more and more that well known law that “Every action has its equal and opposite reaction”.  The further my destination is, the deeper I travel back to my true self and my roots, realizing  my truth, conversing with myself.

Here  I am now 4 months after the beginning of this making your head dizzy adventure so far ( or maybe the greatest at all in my life ) stepping out of my comfort zone,  rushing into the ever so various and daring social work. I was surprised, as always, be how easy the act of leaving was, and how good it felt. The world was suddenly rich with possibility. Social work, actions and efforts towards the well-being of the others as I understand it is a mindset.  All workshops and different youth info events in the process of work in the youth center are opportunities for an impactful realization of this mindset It is a matter of enriching rather than exploiting and making profit for yourself only. More and more in the course of this experience I realize what is happening with me while I am thinking that the only thing I am managing is to fail my german classes.  Apart from my passion for new lands and various people, I am developing my traits, enriching my world, though not always getting the satisfaction as this work repays like no other – not now and not here, but slowly and somehow retroactive –  you realize it has repaid after a longer while . It is more the inner feeling of progress that one feels, than the motivation for profit. Success is determined by the status of achievement, which is motivated by the opportunity for the realization of ideas. In summary – it is a work of art.

I remember my first touch with all this marvel:

Hey, hey YOU!” were the words that made me turn back and face again the long and gloomy corridor at university. “I have something for you” said a mass of ginger curls, approaching me; “It’s definitely something artistic” I caught myself thinking. To my great surprise it was a girl holding a hand-made origami figure.  “I would like to invite you to our event. Have you ever thought of working voluntary, and if not – haven’t you wondered why people do it anyway? What’s in it for them?” This was a provocation that was just about to lead to a waterfall of words, explaining to her that I already participate in an NGO, sending and receiving volunteers, but then I was intrigued by a very interesting and sophisticated to fold figure she was handing to me. I realized that this piece of paper possessed symbolical value and much effort … Then I wished to stay and see more from this girl and about her cause and motivation. Half an hour later, I found myself interacting passionately with her about the great opportunities and the beneficial side of not only sending and hosting volunteers and interns, but experiencing it myself.


Some time after the event my perception of what voluntary work and social entrepreneurship was, had evolved. I realized that my whole mindset was also subject to changing and I realized that this changing process is at the essence of social entrepreneurial thinking – to go beyond the status quo, to strive for change in the society you live in. It then struck me that what I had seen and experienced was indeed something “artistic” after all. It was creative, expressive, moulding of shape, size, color and most importantly of sentiment of the impact your actions have on the community you live in. The creative and artistic side that I discovered enchanted me.

Since then I started seeing opportunities, but I knew I had a long way to go before I would acquire the self-assertiveness and the theoretical and practical skills that I believe need accompany this vision. Participating in social development trainings and internships helped form my perspective and developed my cautiousness about the essential details from the moment a spark is caught and an idea is born to the very end of its realization. I followed my intuition and my heart on my first steps towards my small, but significant utopia by investing in my skills. I dare refer to it as ‘utopia’, because a utopian idea today has the potential to displace the usual approach to things as we know them and to prevail over the inactive and inexpedient efforts of some institutions and organizations.

I still believe that my vocation is to let people know what they have in their hands and this is an immense field with its prerequisite. Young people should first start investing in their own potential and work their way to the top and sustainably overcome their current hindrances. They should be introduced first to the strong points of the society they live in and in the case of the project – the bigger family they are part of- the European family, along with all beneficial and opportunity every European I believe I am somewhere along this road, facing obstacles such as society’s status quo. It is my conviction that our world would benefit from having us all better acquainted with the basis of sustainable thinking so that we can work and cooperate better, to create a provident society which maintains itself responsibly in the future. Supporting and guiding voluntary initiatives from inception will inevitably empower them to grow efficient and strong with many supporters who understand the importance of them. And I truly hope that slowly almost not noticeably I am going there, hand in hand with the guys and girls I meet every day.

I now have achieved to surpass only part of the milestones on my journey and it is my conviction that through guidance and the chance to interact with the greatest possible resource – the human potential (the source of inspiration for me). I will allow myself to quote Kerouac as I sometimes take life too serious.  He once said: “The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved.”  I am not ashamed to admit it – I need to be saved. Funny as it may seem, I keep on finding myself in the situation that the guidance that is supposed to take place from my side to the youngsters is to a great extent mutual. I keep travelling towards me, meeting and exploring more of the others.  It’s a slushy and dangerous road and it dares, it burns me, it drags me it makes me want to take it and never leave it.

I am thinking, discussing, arguing, listening and learning. I know what I’m heading towards and on that steep trail there, until the moment that I am the one saying “Hey, hey, you! … I have something for you!”, I am looking for guidance, cooperation and to be able to live the thrill of the process of developing myself as and the society as well.

Oh what a long way it is to travel to your inner self and to the hearts and minds of these young people that I meet! It is immensely scarier and daring than the kilometers back to that cozy kitchen, where my true self originates.

Dear reader, we finish here though somehow without an end, but please do not be mad, unpredictable indeed the story goes and seizes…. But hey! The reason is hidden somewhere there earlier, not even in 2014. It is probably at the time my grandmother was born. But let me assure you, my dear reader, that I will let you sneak in again, even though the play has begun a long time ago.


 Posted by Vera at 20:40 Volunteer activities Comments Off on Restless Bug

The GRUNDTVIG Programme is organizing a workshop for the integration of disabled people with the means of art.

It will take place between 01.10 and 05.10.2012 in  D?wirzyno, Poland

More information you can find below:


Topic of the Workshop:

 „Let’s integrate and animate!” workshop is an unique event concerning creation of an animation movie. There is equal access to it for everyone. The language of animation movie is understandable for everybody regardless culture, background, age or skills. No matter if you are educated or not, where you live or if you are disabled or able-bodied. You have to be just hot-headed and be ready to use your heart, hands, foot or mouth to model, paint, draw. It is an offer for those who need to express themselves through art. Our materials will be flour, salt, bread, paints, crayons etc. During our workshop you will learn what the production stages are, how to prepare scenario, storyboard, layout. You will be involved in drawing, scanning and compositing but also in montage and scoring. Your mentor will be the artists from famous Miniature Film Studio from Warsaw. During the workshop you will create your own animation movie! So let’s integrate and animate!


Language of the Workshop English


Target group:

The target group of the workshop is:

-9 people physically disabled,

-9 able-bodied people.


Our recruitment process will be based on the following criteria: passion (people who love drawing, painting, modelling), experience in similar international activities (we expect people who did not have much possibility for travelling and participating in such events). We will address our offer to physically disabled people and 9 able – bodied ones. People with disability could come with the company of someone who will be also interested in topic of the workshop.

We would like to invite people who are from disadvantage environment, who do not have access to rich cultural offer as it is in big cities. We expect people who are curious of world and who are willing to learn something new at the same time. We want to invite open-minded and interesting people who will find that event as an inspiration for other their activity.

We will analyse every application carefully, especially those from people with disability because we want to make sure we are ready to take responsibility of them and we could provide appropriate conditions. We require the knowledge of English on a basic level. We do not define the age of our participants. They only have to be adult.


Main activities / programme of the Workshop


Sunday 30.09.2012 Arrival day


Monday 01.10.2012

I. What it is a animated movie

II. Types of animated movies

III. Process of animated movie realization (production stages)

1. conceptual period

2. Photographic period

3. montage period

IV. Introduction to computer software for image processing

V. Presentation of basic concept regarding movie language

VI. Work on movie scenario which will be realized during workshop

VII. Beginning of the workshop movie animation


Evening games


Tuesday 02.10.2012

I. Practice exercise concerning topic which were presented yesterday

II. Correction of participants’ animation

III. Scanning of animation


Presentation of created animation and evening games


Wednesday 03.10.2012

I. Preparing animation according to screenplay

II. Correction of animation prepared by participants

III. Scanning of animation

IV. Preparing the sets for space animation

Sightseeing of Ko?obrzeg and lunch outside


Presentation of created animation and evening games


Thursday 04.10.2012

I. Continuation of preparing animation according to screenplay

II. Correction of animation prepared by participants

III. Implementation of initial and final subtitles

IV. Montage

VI. Dubbing voice


Presentation of created animation and evening games



Friday 05.10.2012

I. Preparing postcard

II. Summing up the workshop

III. Giving in certificates

Premiere of animation prepared by participations

Farewell party

Saturday 06.10.2012 Leaving day



The workshop will take place in a  centre adapted for the needs of disabled people . It is located directly at the coast.  The website of the centre is



We will encourage learners to arrive to Berlin airport according to a fixed timetable. The coordinator will be waiting for them at the airport. She/he will gather the people depending on the time of their arrival. Then they will go by bus directly to the hotel. We  predict the bus will go to the airport 3 times. The return travel will be organized in the same way.


How to apply:

Please fill in the application form, sign it and send it until 30 of July to this address:

Koszali?skie Towarzystwo Spo?eczno-Kulturalne,

Plac Polonii 1
75-415 Koszalin
woj. Zachodniopomorskie


You can also send it by fax 48 94 348 15 50


Contact person:

Anna Magryta-Urban, e-mail:, tel. +48 889-215-536.


If this proposal appeals to you please fill in the application form and send it to the e-mail address above by  30.07.2012 г.


This poject has been funded with support from the European Commission.

 Posted by Vera at 14:35 Comments Off on GRUNDTVIG WORKSHOP „LET’S INTEGRATE & ANIMATE!”

LTV project in Italy

in a medieval hilltop villlage of around 1000 inhabitants near Rome. The volunteer will support the activities run by the association 33Officinacreativa: events (theatre performances, concerts, exhibtions etc.), courses and cultural activities and initiatives (an international artist residency program, a summer arts festival, regular cinema screenings etc.)

Creativity, Art and Culture in the Medieval Village of Toffia (Rome)

Organisation    SCI Italy
Project theme    Art, culture, history
Project language(s)    English
Local language(s)    Italian
Name    Creativity, Art and Culture in a Medieval Village
Location    Complesso di San Bernardino, Toffia, 60km northeast of Rome
Number of vacancies    1
Number of volunteers    0
Work start    2012-09-01
Work end    2012-12-01
Application deadline    2012-07-17
Decision date    2012-07-27
Project description    33officinacreativa is a small cultural association based in an old theatre in Toffia – a medieval hilltop villlage of around 1000 inhabitants. The association runs various events (theatre performances, concerts, exhibtions etc.), courses and cultural activities and initiatives (an international artist residency program, a summer arts festival, regular cinema screenings etc.). The aim of the association is to raise cultural awareness and curiosity within the village of Toffia and the surrounding area and provide a space where like-minded people can come to learn and share experiences.
Long description
Work Description    The volunteer will help with the running of activities; with the management and maintenance of spaces within the theatre;with public relations work – welcoming people to the theatre and showing visitors around, putting up posters for events, keeping the website and mailing list updated etc; with supporting artists in their projects.
Requirements    Volunteers are required to be flexible, independent and responsible, with good social and organizational skills. An interest in arts and culture is essential. A basic knowledge of both English and Italian is necessary.
Food    Provided. Kitchen facilities provided by the association.
Accommodation    Provided. No heating
Pocket money    100 EUR (per month)
Insurance    Provided.
Fees    None

 Posted by Vera at 12:55 Comments Off on New LTV Proposal in Italy
 The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), in cooperation with the European Youth Foundation (EYF) and the European Youth Centre Strasbourg launched a call for applications for the Youth Assembly 2012: Youth and Democracy- the young generation sacrificed?
This activity will take place on 4-8 October 2012 at the European Youth Centre Strasbourg.
The Youth Assembly will bring together 170 young people from all over Europe to reflect on youth’s current challenges to democracy and to formulate common recommendations to the World Forum on democracy on how young people can better benefit and develop more democratic and inclusive societies.
Participants should be young people aged 16-25 who are actively involved in youth work, civil society movements or processes for democracy. Interested candidates should fill in their application online, folowing the link:
The deadline for applications has been extended to 10 June 2012.
 Posted by Vera at 16:49 Comments Off on Youth Assembly 2012: Youth and Democracy- the young generation sacrificed?

The course will take place from 16 until 22 September 2012 in Crimea, Ukraine

Project aims:

to deal with such issues as usage of internet tools to promote international volunteer and youth projects and activities, learning and awareness raising opportunities of internet on human rights and social inclusion issues, possibilities to get involved and develop international youth projects online as practical tool for intercultural learning and dialogue, support of local initiatives and active citizenship, and other.

The training is aimed at:

for active volunteers and staff of youth and voluntary service organizations, Service Civil International branches and partners, NGOs interested in the topics of the training and willing to contribute to improving image of voluntary organizations and ways to promote international volunteer projects. Working language of the training is English.

blocks will be addressed during the project:

  •  social networks as facebook, google +, vkontakte and other. How can they be used for awareness raising on human rights, or social inclusion, climate change issues, intercultural learning and other (more than creating groups for training and sharing photos afterwards)
  • online project management tools. Sharing examples and best practices, how to develop and implement an international project on human rights, combating racism or social inclusion issues; working as international team of volunteers from different countries (online todo lists: planning and implementing together, sharing docs, communication and monitoring, presenting materials and disseminating results and materials. How online tools can make projects more participative for youth, and become a practical tool of experiencing and working in intercultural and international team?
  •   online face of youth and volunteer NGO – web-site (or blog, or facebook profile?). Nice makeup and hairdo: how to make interesting and appealing web-site, with awareness raising component on active citizenship, human rights, social inclusion or other issues relevant for youth or volunteer NGO, how to make a web-site to efficient tool in online awareness raising strategy on national and international level

Financial conditions:

All costs concerning meals and accommodation as well as the program and materials will be fully covered for the whole duration of the training

Travel costs will be reimbursed 70%, given that participants used cheapest way of travel as well as consider environmental impact of the trip.

The participation fee for CIS and SEE participants is 30 Euros


If you are interested in this training course, contact us at You can find the application form attached here


Application deadline is August the 1st. However applications will be  considered in the order of submission.

 Posted by Vera at 18:36 Volunteer activities Comments Off on Weaving volunteer world wide web (aka www.wvwww.vol)

The course will take place in Lubljana, Slovenia between 06.07 and 15.07.2012

This is a training course for anti-discrimination youth work, using the method of invisible theatre” is the attempt to strengthen the influence of youth work in the field of anti-discrimination (especially anti-racism and xenophobia) in two levels:

1. To engage more youths into anti-discrimination activities and learning and

2.  To distribute gained knowledge more efficiently and commitment through the public spaces and thereby to extend and empower the anti-discrimination work in general.

The method, learnt and later on used in the training, was invented and used by Brazilian director Augusto Boal in 60′, aiming social changes in that society and is fully applicable for the youth work and anti-racism/anti-xenophobic engagement still nowadays.

The participating youth workers will get familiar with the basics of the theatre expression, specifics of organized street acting. Linked to the additional theoretical upgrade, gained through the discussing sessions and working group activities, they will develop practical prepositions, how to implemen these newly obtained knowledge and skills into their daily work with youngsters.

The project, consisting of 25 people from Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia and Bulgaria will take place during the first international Theatre of the oppressed Festival in Slovenia, in end of June 2012.

You can view the programme of the training here

If you are interested in this training course, contact us at for more information about how to apply.

 Posted by Vera at 14:09 Comments Off on Training course “Invisible actors of visible acts”

It is now possible to apply for the new long term voluntary project  The Peace Caravan !

The Peace Caravan is a project, running coming summer, in which 4 groups
of volunteers will travel throughout Europe to spread the word of peace.
They will run workshops, will perform street action, participate in
discussions and debate etc. It is organized by the No-More-War team in
association with the Peace Messengers Network.

Volunteers are able to apply for one of the four routes, like the way
they apply for a regular work camp. The four routes have been announced
during last week by the hosting branches at the workcampdatabase  and the best way to find them is to search at topic 3 (=Peace and disarmament).

The volunteers should have at least some
experience in peace education.
The difference in applying is that the selection of the applicants will
be only done after the  27th of April.

It is also possible to apply as LTV for either route 1+2 or for route

The Peace Caravan is a main, but not the only activity of the NMW-team.
The last two years we have initiated and monitored No-More-War camps,
organized by branches/groups and partner organisations of SCI. This summer
at least 10 NMW work camps are in the planning and more are still welcome
dependent on you!


 Posted by Vera at 15:48 Volunteer news Comments Off on Apply now for The Peace Caravan !