11-26 September 2021

About the Greenbelt Workcamp

The European Green Belt is a valuable ecological network along the former Iron curtain which divided Europe into east and west for nearly 40 years. The European Green Belt forms the backbone of Pan-European ecological network and provides a significant contribution to European “Green Infrastructure”. The Greenbelt-Initiative is an example of cross border cooperation and nature conservation. European Green Belt is a space for encounters between people and cultures and opportunities for a joint sustainable approach to natural and cultural heritage.

With this project in the Green Belt at the Austrian-Czech border, the Austrian League for Nature Conservation – Lower Austria and SCI Austria want to link international cooperation and nature conservation. Through the involvement of the communities in the border area and the close cooperation between the local people and international volunteers in the context of the Greenbelt Camp, we hope to bring peace, cooperation and unification ideas of ??the European Green Belt to life.

In order to preserve the diverse natural and cultural landscape along the European Green Belt, nature conservation-oriented management – in particular of open land biotope types such as (semi) dry grassland and rock dry grassland – is essential. This usually takes the form of manual maintenance of the valuable and species-rich biotopes and can hardly be managed today without the help of volunteers. Young people are invited to work together to help maintain valuable biotopes on the Green Belt and are given the opportunity to learn about the history of this landscape.

What will you do? In this Workcamp, you will take concrete action to maintain biodiversity in a part of the European Green Belt zone along the border between Austria and Czech Republic and contribute to preservation of endangered species in this area. Almost every day, we will work together for 5-6 hours. We will mow steep meadows and remove bushes from dry rocky grasslands that are threatened to be overgrown by bushes and trees. But don’t worry, we will have enough free days in between to rest and get to know each other and the region.

Study part! Apart from contributing to protection of endangered species by physical work you will also learn about them as well as about other plants and animals in the area. We will reflect upon ecological problems and initiatives that one can take in order to support environmental protection and promote a sustainable green Europe.

Leisure time! The beautiful region of Lower Austria offers a lot of possibilities for free-time activities. You can learn something about wine-production, we will visit the castle of Falkenstein, make a trip to Mikulov. There is also a little pond near our accommodation, where you can swim during your free time. Anyway, the free-time activities depend on you!

Who can participate?

  • Between 18 and 30 years old
  • Living in one of the following countries: Austria, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Italy, Ireland (if you?re not living in those countries but you are motivated to participate in the Camp please contact us at coordination.sciaustria@gmail.com 
  • Motivated to take concrete action to improve the natural environment and resist global challenges
  • Able to participate in the complete project
  • Be aware that the work is physically demanding!

We explicitly encourage participants of all genders, sexual orientations, abilities, races and ethnic backgrounds to apply.

This Project is founded by European Solidarity Corps. Therefore all travel costs will be reimbursed after the workcamp for a maximum of 275 Euro per person. Food and accommodation are included and a pocket money will also be provided to participants during the camp.

All participants will receive Youthpass upon successful completion of the workcamp.

Who organises this?

SCI Austria is the Austrian branch of the peace organisation Service Civil International. We exist since 1947 and organise volunteering camps and international educational projects around peace and social justice. We are not affiliated with any political party or religion. You can find out more about us on our website http://www.sciaustria.org/. If you have any questions about the project, you can reach us at coordination.sciaustria@gmail.com

Naturschutzbund Nieder?sterreich (Austrian League for Nature Conservation – Lower Austria) is an environmental NGO that supports and maintains protected areas in the region and wants to contribute to conservation of species and ecosystems in Lower Austria (Nieder?sterreich). See also https://www.noe-naturschutzbund.at (in German). 

This Project is supported by European Solidarity Corps programme of the EU

How can I apply?

Fill out this application form shorturl.at/ovHX0  

We will get back to you with the selection results as soon as possible!

 Posted by Kathy at 00:11 Volunteer activities

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