Днес имаме удоволствието да ви представим най-новия член на екипа на Си Ви Ес – България. Това е Юдит Ваш от Унгария.

Тя е доброволка по Европейската доброволческа служба (European Voluntary Service – EVS) в рамките на една година в нашето сдружение. По-надолу тя сама ще представи себе си, както и проекта (на английски език), но все пак да споделим и ние с две думи. Юдит ще помага най-вече в офиса при организирането на различни събития за доброволчество – международни вечери, представяния на Си Ви Ес – България, инфо щандове, събития в Унгарския културен институт и още много неща.

(Снимките са от обмена “Открито пространство за човешки права” в Узана и Габрово, 2010. )

My biggest desire came trough when I arrived in Sofia as an EVS volunteer for a year.

Last summer I participated in a Youth Exchange Open Space for Human Rights organized by CVS-Bulgaria in the hearth of Bulgaria in Uzana, and Gabrovo. In that time I felt, that I must come back here again. When I arrived in Hungary after this incredibly good Youth Exchange, I quitted my job, and I decided that I will do something new, something good for others. I decided, that I don’t want to work as an accountant any more. In Hungary I spent all my days in an office, and I felt that I was just wasting my time to useless things. But in the same time I was working in a charity organization for big families. I knew that I like working with children, with disadvantaged people, with youth because I was doing it for 10 years in Szentes.

I asked help from Snezh, because she was a very good coordinator, and I hoped she can help me. She was very nice and sent me some opportunities, and I realized, that I must work in here with CVS-Bulgaria.  Bulgaria is a beautiful country with nice people. We were talking about the future projects about volunteering in CVS-Bulgaria. I was interested in her project, and luckily the organization wrote a successful application to Youth in Action Programme, Action 2 – European Voluntary Service (EVS), and they host me as an EVS volunteer for a year.

I will participate in the organization’s work, organize programs such as Day of Europe, International Volunteer Day, intercultural evenings, and many other activities for youth. We will organize some programs with Hungarian Cultural Institute, and other organizations too.

Now, I’m very happy because I’m here with the cutest, smartest, the best Bulgarian coordinator. We will work together for a year, and I know that it will be a very useful, effective year. I promise that I will try to give my best knowledge. And I know that I will use my new skills and knowledge in my future work in my association in national and international way.

Екипът на Си Ви Ес – България приветства Юдит и нейния неприкрит ентусиазъм към България, доброволчеството и нашия общ проект. Очаквайте редовни включвания от нея в бъдеще тук :).

И накрая едно пожелание: Нека ЕДС проектът на Юдит е още по-успешен от обмена “Открито пространство за човешки права” (Let Judit’s EVS project be even more successful than the youth exchange “Open Space for Human Rights”)

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