Нашите партньори от AVI Молдова обявяват 3 свободни позиции за доброволци по Европейска доброволческа служба (ЕДС). По-надолу може да разгледате подробната информация. Ако желаете да кандидатствате, попълнете формуляра и го изпратете до 27 януари на evs@avimd.org. За въпроси относно ЕДС може да се обърнете към нашия координатор дългосрочни добровлчески проекти Наталия Живкова на longterm@cvs-bg.org.
PROJECT: Caravan of Surprise for disadvantaged children
Organisation: AVI Moldova
Contact person: Olga
Contact email: evs@avimd.org
Country: Moldova
Long term type: EVS
Work start: October 2013
Work end: September 2014
Location: The project takes place in Chisinau and sometimes in the Chisinau regions.
Project language(s): Еnglish
Local language(s): Romanian
Number of vacancies: 1
Application deadline: 27th January
Work description:
Last years AVI–Moldova was involved in social projects for children from disadvantaged background of the society. We run the Caravan of Surprise for Children in order to help them with the integration into the society. In the frame of this project we have a small club for children where they come together and can get the support from local volunteers who help them to prepare the homework, to organize different games and ineteresting activities. From time to time, groups of volunteers go to shools or orphanage and run activities with children there.
The EVS volunteer will be responsible to organise different activities for children from disadvantaged background of the society: orphans and children with disabilities. There is a open box in our office where people can leave everything they want to donate to children and the volunteer will be responsible to collect all this goods and organize some event for distributing them, for example concerts or some short campus in Social Centers, Orphanages, Children’s Houses.
He will also be responsable for involving this children in some workshops or trainings (depending on the age) about social inclusion, human right, the ability of making decisions in order to help them getting integrated into the society and having equal opportunities as the rest of the society. The volunteer will be the coordinator of these activities, and he will be suported by local volunteers.
One of the daily tasks will be working on the promotion (facebook, AVI web site) of this Caravan in order to attract some other volunteers and maybe some new donors.
Requirements: We are looking for a motivated volunteer willing to work with kids and to organize all the activities for them. Volunteer is required to be flexible, independent and responsible, with good social and organizational skills.
Food: Provided money allocations for food every month.
Accommodation: Provided- a shared room in an appartment with other volunteers.
Pocket money: 80 EUR (per month)
Insurance: Provided.
Fees: None
PROJECT: Academy of Human Rights
Organisation: AVI Moldova
Contact person: Olga
Contact email: evs@avimd.org
Country: Moldova
Long term type: EVS
Work start: October 2013
Work end: September 2014
Location: The main activity of the project takes part in Chisinau.
Project language(s): Еnglish
Local language(s): Romanian
Number of vacancies: 1
Application deadline: 27th January
Work description:
Rights, rights, human rights. The word gets around. Everyone everywhere has human rights, but not everyone everywhere knows and respects them. What are they anyway? how did we get them? what do we do with them? This project will help volunteers to understand the idea of human rights, to gain a sense of themselves as people with dignity and hence with rights, and finally to encourage them to *act*. The main focus of the project is action: *volunteers in **action*. AVI Moldova wants to collect inspiring stories from classes or schools defending and promoting human rights. These stories will become part of an atlas of volunteers actions compiled and used for the activities of the Academy in order to promote Human Rights and Peer Education among young volunteers.
The project hopes to demonstrate that young people around the world are active in and concerned about their world; that the notion of rights has relevance everywhere in the world; and that young volunteers can, indeed, make a difference by understanding and promoting their rights. By bringing together the stories, the project hopes to create a resource that will provide concrete examples to stimulate and will inspire new and original actions.
The volunteer will work on collecting materials for leaflets and brochures concerning Human Rights which will be spread among young people, he will be responsible to organize and run different street activities together with local volunteers, (for example free hugs, exhibition or sometimes a festival (Film Festival, Song Festival, etc.)) in order to promote Human Rights and also workshops, trainings in schools for improving the skills. For all activities there are local volunteers who will also be involved in the project.
Requirements: We are looking for a motivated volunteer willing to work in the fiels of human rights. Volunteer is required to be flexible, independent and responsible, with good social and organizational skills.
Food: Provided money allocations for food every month.
Accommodation: Provided- a shared room in an appartment with other volunteers.
Pocket money: 80 EUR (per month)
Insurance: Provided.
Fees: None
PROJECT: Young Volunteer’s Club in English
Organisation: AVI Moldova
Contact person: Olga
Contact email: evs@avimd.org
Country: Moldova
Long term type: EVS
Work start: October 2013
Work end: September 2014
Location: The project takes place in Chisinau.
Project language(s): Еnglish
Local language(s): Romanian
Number of vacancies: 1
Application deadline: 27th January
Work description:
Our organisation aims to develop youth volunteering through various projects proposed by young people. This Club is for young people interested in volunteering, leading projects, networking and having fun, local volunteers work to promote and improve activism among youth.
There are many things they can practice by being a volunteer in this Club:
- Help the community and gain valuable skills,
- Make an impact on people’s lives – locally and internationally,
- Learn to be a leader – and lead a respected organization,
- Network with experienced people in the community and around the world
- Energize life and have fun.
- Grow personally and professionally.
This project has the aim to “spread the volunteering” among yound people and make them understand that volunteer work they perform is worthwhile and appreciated.
The moderator of the Young Volunteer’s Club will be responsible for:
- planning and organising the club’s activities.
- meeting with the department leaders of the club in order to develop action plans;
- including in the plan and implementing new ideas proposed by other volunteers;
- meeting with all the members of the club: preparing and planning the activities for the week, tasks distribution.
- Seminars, workshops, trainings, discussions within the club on different subjects proposed and established during the planning process, regarding volunteering and how youth can get involved;
- preparing the materials for the activities to be organised during the day;
- Activities for Volunteering Promotion (flash-mobs, seminars, trainings, distribution of printed materials…); Presentations in Schools, Centers for Children about volunteering and AVI’s main work directions;
- Office work and meetings with partners of the project;
Requirements: We are looking for a motivated volunteer willing to work with young people, to spread the information among them and to motivate them to be active indifferent projects. Any experience in leadership would be relevant.
Food: Provided money allocations for food every month.
Accommodation: Provided- a shared room in an appartment with other volunteers.
Pocket money: 80 EUR (per month)
Insurance: Provided.
Fees: None
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