Till now we have travelled to the South (Botswana) and to the East (Sri Lanka – Southeast to be exact). Now it’s time we appreciated the culture and traditions of the West and the good old Europe. The evening ofThursday, June 9th is going to be dedicated to Ireland. We will talk about some seminars and trainings that CVS-Bulgaria volunteer took part in. Additionally we will show you some pictures and there will be discussions about Irish culture, nature and so on. If the organizers are lucky and skillful enough, we would have the pleasure to try some tasty Irish food.

We start at 6 pm on 9th June in the Hungarian Cultural Institute (16 Aksakov Str). This time there is a small entrance fee of 2 BGN to cover the costs for the organization of the event (food mainly).

We are expecting you!

 Posted by CVS Bulgaria at 11:35 Volunteer activities

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