LTV project in Italy

in a medieval hilltop villlage of around 1000 inhabitants near Rome. The volunteer will support the activities run by the association 33Officinacreativa: events (theatre performances, concerts, exhibtions etc.), courses and cultural activities and initiatives (an international artist residency program, a summer arts festival, regular cinema screenings etc.)

Creativity, Art and Culture in the Medieval Village of Toffia (Rome)

Organisation    SCI Italy
Project theme    Art, culture, history
Project language(s)    English
Local language(s)    Italian
Name    Creativity, Art and Culture in a Medieval Village
Location    Complesso di San Bernardino, Toffia, 60km northeast of Rome
Number of vacancies    1
Number of volunteers    0
Work start    2012-09-01
Work end    2012-12-01
Application deadline    2012-07-17
Decision date    2012-07-27
Project description    33officinacreativa is a small cultural association based in an old theatre in Toffia – a medieval hilltop villlage of around 1000 inhabitants. The association runs various events (theatre performances, concerts, exhibtions etc.), courses and cultural activities and initiatives (an international artist residency program, a summer arts festival, regular cinema screenings etc.). The aim of the association is to raise cultural awareness and curiosity within the village of Toffia and the surrounding area and provide a space where like-minded people can come to learn and share experiences.
Long description
Work Description    The volunteer will help with the running of activities; with the management and maintenance of spaces within the theatre;with public relations work – welcoming people to the theatre and showing visitors around, putting up posters for events, keeping the website and mailing list updated etc; with supporting artists in their projects.
Requirements    Volunteers are required to be flexible, independent and responsible, with good social and organizational skills. An interest in arts and culture is essential. A basic knowledge of both English and Italian is necessary.
Food    Provided. Kitchen facilities provided by the association.
Accommodation    Provided. No heating
Pocket money    100 EUR (per month)
Insurance    Provided.
Fees    None

 Posted by Vera at 12:55

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