

Kuterevo Bear Refuge and GAIA Kosovo are looking for volunteers to their exciting EVS projects! If the mountain is your true home and you want to learn more about the biodiversity and how the life up in the mountain is, then these opportunities are exactly for you. Good luck with the choice!

CALL for 8-month long EVS in Kuterevo Bear Refuge

Kuterevo Bear Refuge is looking for 3 volunteers to join us for 8 months, starting from March of April.

The volunteers will be focused on celebration of 40 years of Kuterevo Spirit and 40 years since Velebit Mountain has been proclaimed as UNESCO MAB reserve. The volunteers will also support creation of publication which will include stories from volunteers, and especially EVS which were one of the main foundation of the volunteering program in Kuterevo in the last 10 years.


Interested volunteers should fill in the online application form available HERE and to send specific motivation letter and CV to ideally before 15th of February.

General conditions:

  • age from 17 until 30
  • good will and availability More information about this EVS can be found in call for volunteers and about the project at this page.

NOTE: call for short-term group EVS will be published soon


Sharr mountain is looking for 2 EVS volunteers for 6 months

Mountain spirit – Strategic EVS for Nature Conservation is a project involving several EVS short and long-term volunteer exchanges in Croatia, Kosovo, Serbia and Bulgaria. It aims at combining efforts of international volunteers and local people from mountainous/rural areas for nature conservation activities in protected areas or species. Moreover, we plan several complementary activities which will strengthen the capacity of organizations and volunteers for working on the topics and for cooperation with the respective organizations.


More than 70 people between 18 and 30 years will volunteer from 2 weeks to 8 months in the mountains of Croatia, Kosovo, Serbia and Bulgaria in the upcoming 2 years. More information will be available on the project website which is to be created soon.

One of these volunteer exchange will happen in Sharr mountain, Kosovo. GAIA is looking for 2 volunteers who will join activities for documenting biodiversity of Sharr National Park and dedicate time, energy and inspiration for protecting this unique mountain. Volunteer service starts in April 2018 and will last for 6 months until the end of September.

Detailed description of the EVS opportunity and some info about the project you can find in the attached call for volunteers.

If you are interested to apply, you have to fill in the online form choosing the option “6-month long EVS in Sharr Mountain (Kosovo)” and sending CV and specific motivation letter to until February 18th.

Looking forward to your applications!

 Posted by Atanaska at 23:59 Volunteer activities Comments Off on EVS projects in Croatia and Kosovo are looking for volunteers

logo_bmbThe Balkan Myth Buster is project financed by Erasmus+ program, which has been implemented by VCV Serbia and GAIA Kosovo in 2016-2017. The project reunites 8 peace organizations from Serbia, Albania, Kosovo, Greece, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Germany and Croatia: 24 participants from all of these countries met first in November 2016 in Tavankut, Serbia on a training course, focused on a research on myths and its impact on the formation of identities and for the Training Course. In March 2017 a youth exchange as the second activity took place in Velika Hoca e Madhe, where 30 young participants reunited for ten days. And then in September 2017 a second youth exchange happened in Trstenik, Serbia, dedicated to the creation of a new mythology and positive stories for the future.

As a follow-up of the project it has been decided to open a web page with the intent to collect different memories and testimonies from the Balkan countries, aiming to show the region from a different point of view.

The records presented would show moment of integration, cooperation and kindness among the citizens of the different Balkan countries, we are looking for stories that could deconstruct the concept of group identity bonded with a given nation; these would finally allow us to go beyond the rhetoric of single stories which is the kind of narratives that tells only one side of the story and contribute to narrow minds and views, fostering stereotypes and prejudices.

Among the Balkan region there are thousands of stories that would serve perfectly the goal. They just need to be told!

If you have a story that you think is suitable and is worth to be shared, you are more than welcomed to visit the blog Mything Point and send your masterpiece at the following email address

The story does not need to be long and elaborate, the more you go straight to the point the more it will be effective!

We can’t wait to hear from you!

For more info about the project visit:

VCV Serbia – Balkan Myth Buster

GAIA Kosovo – Balkan Myth Buster

 Posted by Atanaska at 19:06 Volunteer activities Comments Off on Shared stories bring magic!

The time for a festival has come! It’s name is No More War /26, 27 и 28 January/ and is a CVS-Bulgaria initiative in the framework of SCI International PATH project. The Festival’s main focus is on peace in its micro and macro dimensions while the accent is placed on the lessons learned from history.

path logo

The topics we will touch during the festival are like a lump stranded in our peace-craving throats: anti-militarism, conflicts and forced migration, radicalization prevention, human rights, non-violence and non-violent communication, peaceful protests and social transformations, life in harmony with oneself, others and the environment. Our goal is to put them on the agenda and enable our society to look beyond the traditional discourse. Various discussions, workshops and events will take place within the festival. Additionally the visitors will be able to follow the steps of an art installation that traverses the parallel between the history of forced migration in various conflicts of our past and present. The festival itself will be focused in two main locations – the Red House and the Cinema House.

Tasks for the volunteers:

  • welcoming of the international and local guests of the festival
  • distribution of advertising and informational material before and during the festival
  • supporting the organization of the events in the Cinema House (workshops, Human Library, Forum)
  • supporting the organization of the events in the Red House ( exhibition, workshops, discussions, evening program)
  • photo and video shooting


  • free time on 26, 27, 28th January
  • interest on the topic
  • motivation to be part of one different festival
  • willingness to work in a multicultural environment
  • good skills in communicating in English

The volunteers will receive:

  • a certificate for participation
  • food and water
  • opportunity to be part of the different event

Apply by filling in the short registration form!

If you have any questions, contact Nassi at!

Deadline for application: 16th January 2018 г.

Thank you and see you soon!

CVS Bulgaria team

 Posted by Atanaska at 00:54 Volunteer activities Comments Off on Join the No more war festival!

The youth exchange “There is a crack in everything: that’s where the light comes: moments of resilience is written and organized by the Italian association Artemide, financed by the European program Erasmus+. It will be held at the House Laboratory Cerquosino, run by Artemide association, a social eco-village located into the Elmo-Melonta’s natural park, near the city of Orvieto, Italy, from the 5th to the 13th of February 2018, it will involve 20 participants and 5 leaders from Italy, Bulgaria, Germany, Montenegro and Lebanon. Participants will have the possibility to experience life in nature with a low impact on the environment. Alongside the nature based experiential session, the exchange includes typical non-formal learning methods such as group works, workshops, simulations, reflections and excursions.



The main objective is to start up a process of personal growth through sharing a collective experience. The themes we have chosen for this exchange are social inclusion, active citizenship which strengthens the spirit of initiative of young people, their creativity and their entrepreneurship, solidarity and their ability to collaborate with and beyond the differences

By managing and sharing the path, laboratory activities, games of knowledge focused on the methodology of non formal education, the exchange “There is a crack in everything: that’s where the light comes: moments of resilience”, is a real simulation of active citizenship in order to provide participants with new tools useful to cope with certain aspects of their discomfort. The simulation is a true “active laboratory of needs”. Within the shape of an educational path the young will give their own creative and innovative contribution at everyday activities. A further objective is to ensure that the gap of difference and resistance to the new and different is less deep, to get to enable new models of inclusion, going against the logic racist, sexist and xenophobic.


Italy– Cooperativa abc

Lebanon– Children and youth centre Shatila

Bulgaria– CVS Bulgaria

Montenegro– Centre for Civic Education

Germany– Mostar Friedensprojeckt Ev

20597182_1885449448443530_3427710789124289556_nParticipants from Bulgaria: 4 youngsters and 1 leader

Age limit: 19 – 25 years old

Language: English

Please bring white clothes which will be needed for the purpose of the activities

Financial conditions: 100% food and lodgement covered by the project; travel expenses anticipated by the participants will be refunded at the end of the project upon receipt of the travel documents in original and as soon as the Italian N.A. has paid the 1st instalment.

In the case of Bulgaria, the host covers 275 € for the travel expenses

You can find more information about the host тук!

In order to apply please fill-in this application form till 18th January and send it to Atanaska at!

Good luck!

 Posted by Atanaska at 18:58 Volunteer activities Comments Off on There is a crack everywhere…- youth exchange in Orvieto, Italy, 5th-13th February

Volunteer Stories: “Training Course and Seminar about the Good Practices in EVS Volunteering”

Faro, June and October 2017

We are happy to share the inspiring story of Tsvetomira Minkova – CVS Bulgaria’s volunteer, who during the last year took part in a project, aiming at improving the quality of the EVS experience. Here is what she shared with us:

My story started in September 2016 when I began my volunteer program in Naples. Thanks to this, my interest in the idea of EVS began and I was accepted as a participant in the great ECOS double project. The first adventure began on 19th of June and continued until 26th of June. Its goal was to reinforce the theoretical foundations of EVS volunteering and through non-formal education and exchange of experience methods to reach a structured solution for the best EVS volunteering methodologies. To put theory into practice, from 5th to 12th of October, we reunited in Faro in order to share volunteer stories with each other and with the world.


The participants were from eight countries – Portugal, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania and Lithuania, and each country had three representatives. Our trainers and facilitators were Natalie from CVS Bulgaria, and Kostas, from Greece.

During the training, our sessions were held at the IPDJ (Portuguese Institute for Sports and Youth), which is next to the sunny park of Alameda. There, under the sounds of walking on the meadows peacocks and through various games, we met each other and shared our experience with EVS. We learned how to learn, how to learn during EVS, how to learn in a new multicultural environment, and how to be creative while learning. We shared our personal learning methods and exchanged experience by conducting in-depth interviews in small groups. In the morning, we tied our partner’s eyes and led him through the park to build trust between each other, and in the afternoon we looked at the roles needed for successful implementation of the EVS program and exchanged experiences from our organizations. We learned from our mistakes, shared our successful methods. We introduced our organizations to build future partnerships. We swam in the crystal-clear waters of the Atlantic Ocean and enjoyed the white sands of Farol Island, part of the Ria Formosa Nature Park, one of the wonders of Portugal. Finally, we created a systematic list of good practices that are necessary for a successful volunteering, reflecting on the experiences during the training. Also, we filmed a video with our music performances which were supposed to welcome the participants in the workshop in October.


The whole training was devoted not so much to the intercultural exchange but to the interpersonal communication. During the Bond-Evening, besides sharing our favorite treats and drinks, we talked about our “WOW” and “Oh, shit” stories, in order to learn more about our good and less positive experiences and about ourselves. During the farewell party, besides sharing our Youthpass certificates, we had to recognize each of us in his child’s photo. We also exchanged an important object for us (and the story behind it), in order to preserve it as a souvenir of the wonderful experience.

Several months passed, and in October, some of us returned to Faro to share our training experience with the new participants.

Once again, we were meeting each other through games. We presented our organizations and volunteer experiences. We created personal books and told the stories from the time of our EVS’. The stories were colorful and different like the books themselves, and finally we felt that what we are doing as volunteers is actually not only for us – but also for the community. Following the exchange of stories and the well-known good practices during the training course, it was time to share with the public and to try to attract new enthusiasts to the EVS family! For this purpose, we were divided into two groups – the first was aiming to create a book of stories, and the second had to make a promo video! I was in the video group. We had a total freedom of action, and many disagreements arose, but we finally managed to work together! We have created a video to encourage other volunteers to tell their stories and to show more people that EVS matters – that is our hashtag – #EVS_matters. We also recorded our stories and published them on the seminar’s page. Follow our example 😉

The next day we gathered to enjoy the results of the hard work. We did not forget to talk about the European Solidarity Corpse before we venture on an autumn beaching in Faro’s waters. We needed our rest in order to be fully committed to the next task – promoting EVS volunteering in the city and the university campuses.


Whole morning there was an intense preparation. We created decorated balloons and cheerful masks (which the future volunteers were using for the funny pictures in our photo corner), compasses that pointed the direction of EVS, special origami hats and brochures with information – for a few hours we had to prepare all of this in order to be able to promote it in the afternoon. This was our favorite task, because while we were doing it we could really feel the direct and real impact on the community. We could contact the locals and engage them in the idea of volunteering – and we really realized that what we are doing is not just a task for the seminar, but it has a real meaning and a result! (You can see photos and more information on the blog and Facebook page.)

Most sessions took place in the historic building of the Coordinating Commission for the Development of the Region of Algarve. Last day, we also had the opportunity to look at the Regional Museums of Algarve, which is located in the same building. There we met various aspects of the lifestyle and typical crafts of this region. In the afternoon, our sessions were moved to Faro Beach. There, we reflected on the last week under the sun rays and talked with each of the participants within four minutes to exchange ideas and future plans. This also laid the ground for many fruitful conversations that continued at the farewell party in the evening. In this wonderful place, we also got our Youthpass certificates. The documents was first given to a wrong owner, so he/she had to describe the real owner of the certificate in a few words. It was a touching moment in which you can  understand how close you became  to people from distant countries only for a week! Thanks to the perfect organization of Natalie and Kostas, we finished our activities just in time to enjoy the sunset! We met it with applauses, and some of us even swam in the sea!


The evenings during the project were also devoted to the exchange of stories. After the evening tour of the city, near the harbor, we gathered to exchange our objects. First we had to guess the owner of the object and the story behind it, and then we could hear the real volunteer’s story! Our evenings continued in various games and conversations in Faro’s plazas and harbors that helped us get even closer. We didn’t feel when the week has passed!

Special thanks to Carlos for the overall organization and idea of the training and the seminar, to Natalie and Costas for guiding us patiently and with enough freedom and improvisation on the way to learning and good EVS practices, and to Aristea for the media coverage of everything we have achieved together!

If you like this story, you can also become part of the EVS family or to share your story!

Here you can see our video, book, and other interesting materials related to the seminar and EVS volunteering. Especially for the project was created a blog, where you can trace our day-to-day EVS-TurnOn-Faro experiences!

 And do not forget: #EVS_matters 🙂

 Posted by Atanaska at 13:31 Volunteer activities Comments Off on Volunteering stories: EVS turn on

The biggest literary event – Sofia International Literary Festival – will be awaiting their guests between 12th and 17th December. In 2017 the focus of the fifth edition of the festival will be the literature and culture of the Visegrad countries – Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic. We are awaiting international guests, meetings with Bulgarian writers, children workshops, concerts, exhibitions, parties and informational sections.


In order to make this amazing cultural event come true, Bulgarian book Association and CVS Bulgaria need motivated volunteers for the following positions:

  • Person in charge of the logistics (with a very good level of English): welcoming and sending the international guests, as well as accommodating them in the hotel of the festival.
  •  Person in charge of the statistics: keeping a diary of the festival events – their attendance and interest by the audience.
  •  People in charge of the stage: monitoring the order and the necessary quantities on the stage and on the fair; monitoring the order of the guests and when they are going to the stage; supporting  the technical team.
  • Volunteers at the informational point:  guiding the visitors towards the stands; distributing the informational materials; giving information for the cultural program of the fair and the festival.
  • A volunteer, organizational support of the exhibitors: coordinating the organization of the placement and removal by the exhibitors; distribute and collect the reception and transmission protocols; describe and deal with the complaints.

All volunteers will receive a certificate for voluntary work, sandwiches, access to the parties during the festival as well as vouchers for books.

If you would like to join us as a volunteer, please send us a short motivation letter mentioning in which position/s you are interested and a contact number to Aleksandra Stanisheva till 6th December!

Good luck!

 Posted by Atanaska at 14:35 Volunteer activities, Volunteer news Comments Off on Be a volunteer at the Sofia International Literary Festival

Строили ли сте някога къщи за сови в Тайван? А събуждали ли сте се заобиколени от планини и ледници в Исландия? Или може би сте се грижели за вълци в Америка?

Ако отговорът на всички тези въпроси е отрицателен, то именно сега е моментът да промените това. Разгледайте само част от доброволческите ни лагери на екологична тематика или изберете измежду многото предложения на нашите партьори тук:

Намерете своя начин да допринесете за опазването на околната среда и възвръщането на хармонията между човека и природата!


Making a House for Owls TW-VYA 10.1701f1bc6f78449d427efd836c9e85d26e5a

Country: Taiwan, Republic of China

Start Date: 11 Mar 2017

End Date: 21 Mar 2017

Description: Xinglong community is located in the southeastern part of Taichung City. It’s near the mountain and has abundant natural resources. Hand in hand with the Taichung Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre, the community built 20-30 nest boxes for Collard Scops Owls from used wooden crates, and hanged the boxes near a hundred-year-old tree in the community. We hope we can get more people from different cultures to work together in this project, and introduce new ideas into this community industry.

Aims: Making a House for Owls:

We invite volunteers to come to our community to help preserve our natural heritages, and broaden our horizons on ecological conservation. We will conduct two ecological tours. You will get to know the community.

Type of Work:

  1. Assist the local Animal protection volunteer Team perform ecological conservation and first aid work.
  2. Marketing the community lychee industry.
  3. Experience the eco-environment of the community



Family Farm under the Glacier (1:3) IS-SEE 10.23

Country : Iceland

Start Date : 05 Apr 2017

End Date : 19 Apr 2017

Description: Our host for this project is a farmer’s family on the south shore of Iceland close to the town of Vik, the farmers cultivate carrots and keep cows. This is the sixth year that SEEDS volunteers will have the unique opportunity to get to know and explore this traditional  farm.

Type of Work: There will be various tasks, depending on the weather, some cleaning tasks, for instance clearing fields of rocks, fences, trash, beautifying the area around and removing an invasive species called – Rumex longifolius; which has been used in Iceland in order to control soil erosion and revegetate eroded areas; but in some places its spread is more than desirable and being a foreign specie endangers the native species. This weed can remain viable for a long time, is helpful for vegetative reproduction, and adaptable to different environments. It is primarily a weed of grassland, and in this habitat it benefits from agricultural practices which lead to disturbance or eutrophication. It reduces production from the field and lowers the feeding value of the grass to the animals.


Vuk’s Village, Trsic RS-VSS 10.2


Country : Serbia

Start Date : 03 May 2017

End Date : 13 May 2017

Description: Association “Svetionik” has been successfully working since 2000. The activities of the organization are: support to young people, social policy and community development. We support youth activism and youth projects. More than 5000 young people have implemented their own, very different and creative ideas which improve the situation of young people in their communities.

Type of Work: Voluntary camp will be organized as a joint initiative of several partner organizations with the aim of promoting the spirit of volunteerism, environmental protection and the development of rural and eco-tourism. Volunteers will work on renovation of outdoor gym as well as small trim trail in Loznica. Work involves brushing and painting devices. They will also clean few public spaces: 2 walking paths in the memorable village Trsic, the area around the monastery Tronosa and the area around the monument on the mountain Gucevo. Work includes collection and separation of garbage for recycling and designing, constructing and setting wooden boards with environmental friendly messages.



Killarney National Park Woodland Conservation Project IE-VSI 10.1

Country : Ireland

Start Date : 11 Jun 2017

End Date : 25 Jun 2017

Description: Killarney National Park in Co. Kerry in the south west of Ireland is 10,000 hectares in size and comprises mountains, lakes and woodland. It has an extensive range of trees, plants and wildlife. In the 19th century the rhododendron tree/bush (Rhododendron ponticum) was introduced and this has proved to be a highly invasive and destructive tree and has threatened to colonise large areas of the park. The rhododendron is threatening the bio diversity of the park and many native species of trees, shrubs, mosses are under threat.

Type of Work: Volunteers will work on rhododendron control in remote areas of the park. This can involve stem treating mature plants with small tools, the picking of seedlings and cutting of saplings. National Park uses sharp tools (loppers and secateurs) and a herbicide (glyphosphate based diluted solution) as part of their strategy to control the rhododendron plants. The volunteers will be required to use these methods. Full training on the safe use of these methods and safety equipment will be provided by National Park.


Legends of the Ergun River RU-SF 10.9

10791Country : Russian Federation

Start Date : 20 Jul 2017

End Date : 03 Aug 2017

Description: The camp is organized in cooperation with a local environmental NGO “Arbagar” which is struggling for the nature preservation and conservation of archeological monuments in Zabaikalskiy Krai (south-east of Russia). The staff of this NGO managed to create a Natural Reserve and now put a lot of efforts to its development.

Volunteers will help with manual environmental and archeological errands. They will also have a chance to discover new places according to ancient maps found on petroglyphs.

Type of Work: Volunteers will implement different interesting tasks:

  • Processing data from aerial photography and reports
  • Collecting herbarium, picking up herbs
  • Mammal census
  • Water and soil probe sampling
  • Exploring Neolithic sites
  • Cleaning and development of touristic paths
  • Searching of places according to ancient maps
  • Cleaning forest from brushwood and branches



Mission: Wolf-Caring for Wolves and Wolf-Dogs (Colorado) US-SCI 10.1

Country: United States of America

Start Date : 21 Aug 2017

End Date : 11 Sep 2017

Description: Mission: Wolf (M:W) is a peaceful sanctuary for 32 captive wolves and wolf-dogs. The animals living there were all born in a cage. Most captive wolves do not survive to see their 1st birthday- they are often destroyed or neglected. M:W works with the wolves to educate people about the value of wild wolves and drawbacks of trying to keep a wild animal as a pet. It’s a cooperative effort among people with a common mission. M:W values respect for animals and sustainable living. The goal is a healthy, open, empowering environment that promotes personal growth, and inspires individuals to become stewards of the earth. At its best, the experience is an integration between work and play, filled with joy, vitality, humor, sensitivity, and flexibility

Type of Work: Care and maintenance of 30+ wolves, wolf dogs, and their facility. Expect physical work and to be outside. Schedule is 8 hours/day and 5 days/week. Volunteers set their own schedule. Animal care involves counting, preparing food for, feeding, and hauling water to wolves. Work on the facility includes organizing existing areas, re-claiming donated material, improving visitor access trails, handrails, seating areas, campsites, vehicle repair/maintenance, greenhouse work, and construction.

Glebe House September Workcamp UK-IE-VSI 10.1


Country: Northern Ireland

Start Date: 04 Sep 2017

End Date: 15 Sep 2017

Description: Glebe House is a residential and Day activity centre, owned by Harmony Community Trust, near to Strangford in Northern Ireland. It was partly set up in 1975 by Irish and British members of Service Civil International. Since 1975 Harmony Community Trust has been practically and tenaciously working for a fair, inclusive society that respects and cherishes each person’s humanity, dignity, aspirations, ideas and needs. One where each person can determine and re-create their own identity, rather than conform to sectarian, national, ethnic or social stereotypes, myths or stigmas. Glebe House website

Type of Work: Each year in September Glebe House holds an SCI International Workcamp, to help carry out a major tidy and clean up after our very busy summer residential programme with children.The work for the workcamp, will involve general cleaning and maintenance around the Glebe House centre, including working on the gardens, working on the wildlife play areas, general cleaning and reorganising, fruit harvesting and general repairs.

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 Posted by Atanaska at 01:06 Workcamps news Comments Off on Предложения за доброволчески лагери на тема “Опазване на околната среда”