On Wednesday (May, 2nd) we organized a surprise goodbye party for our EVS volunteer Judit Vas. No matter how strange it feels, one year has already past since the beginning of Judit’s project on promoting voluntarism in Bulgaria. She was a very important part of the team and she will be missed a lot, but there is no place for sad feelings. From now on we will work on future mutual activities weather here or in Hungary or sowhere around the wrold!
Here you can read what Judit has to say for her last few months spent in Bulgaria working on her project.
The last part of my EVS
I think one reason to do EVS is the opportunity to try so many different things. In the past few months I had a chance to participatе in the Sofia International Film Festival as a volunteer. It’s a very good feeling to see something from inside. We can’t imagine how many people work in a project just to make everything perferct for us. I was a member of the group of 50 volunteers. In the morning time we took the newspapers to the cinemas, restaurants; and in the afternoon and in the evening we were waiting for the guests in the entrance of a cinema. Here I could use my very small (almost nothing) Bulgarian knowledge, but I noticed that almost everybody speeks in English in Sofia. In that time I saw so many movies, which was great. Sometimes I didn’t understand the director and the movie, but March was a very good month with new people, lots of movies and new friends.
This film festival was a two in one project where I met with new EVS volunteers who just came to Sofia; and sometimes I asked the people to talk in English because I didn’t understand everything in Bulgarian. Than they asked me why do I speak in English. I expained so many times that I am an EVS volunteer from Hungary, and I was talking with them about volunteerizm.
In the same time I continued the work with the orphan kids every weekend. They are amazing. If you just look in to them eyes you will see the love and the sadness in the same time. I don’t know how can people leave them. If I could, I would adopt all of them. With this kids we are cooking, playing, we have some art workshops and if the weather is nice we go out to a park and play with them there.
Few weeks ago I took some kids to a theater performance about the Bulgarian winter and spring. They enjoyed it so much, they were smiling, laughing, and I was so happy in that time, because I took part in this miracle to see so many shiney eyes. I love this kids, I hope they will have a nice life.
In April we had a youth picnic in Zapaden Park. For me this park is one of the most beautiful place of Sofia where young people can meet, where families can spend a whole day, where children can play. It’s out of the busy city center, far from the voice of the cars. We crossed the forest and spend some time there but unfortunately the weather was against us.
In the end of April we organized a Hungarian cultural and youth evening together with the Hungarian Institute. First we started with Hungarian dance lesson, than we continued with Hungarian folk tales. Later there was a presentation about CVS and the workcamps. We finished with some team games and good Hungarian wine.
And now I am a little bit sad, because I have to say that it is the end of my EVS. This one year went away, it was the best year of my life with friends, with adventures in my favorite country Bulgaria. I have only one and a half day here, and now I don’t want to go back to Hungary at all. I will miss everybody and everything from here. It was the best decision in my life to go to EVS, and now it’s the hardest thing to say goodbye to my friends, to my second home. I should be very happy now, because I was one of the lucky people who participated in EVS, and I am very happy because of it; but in the other hand it’s hard to leave Sofia. Thanks CVS-Bulgaria, girls, Youth in Action! Thanks for all! I will never forget this year in Sofia, a half of my heart will stay here. And I’ll be back soon!
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