The “From Conflict to Collaboration: Building a Culture of Peace in Diverse Communities” training course gathered 28 participants from 10 countries and many more nationalities for the period 2-9.04.2024 in Herentals, Belgium.

Georgi Vasilev and Rahil Siddiqi were the participants from Bulgaria.

HERE you can read their impressions.

The training is a part of the Peace in Diversity project and is implemented by the International Secretariat of SCI thanks to the co-funding by the European Union.

 Posted by Natalie at 13:42 Comments Off on Impressions on the training „From Conflict to Collaboration“

INTRODUCTION: Decolonise. Now!  

High time to critically look at International Voluntary Service (IVS) and work on the necessary changes inside and outside our volunteer organisations to make IVS more inclusive and equitable. That is what Decolonise Now! Is all about.  

Check out to see how IVS organisations over the last few years have been trying to critically reflect on colonial legacies and existing solidarity mechanisms in the organisations and networks that promote IVS. 

Now it’s time to support and accelerate the common efforts. Over the course of the project, the partnering organisations worked on various tools to create debate and question existing practices and mindsets. This Tool Fair and Training of Trainers wants to bring together committed volunteers and staff from International Voluntary Service Organisations who are eager to bring this “Decolonise!” debate to their organisations.

Do you have a genuine interest in creating change in your organisation or network from a decolonised perspective? Did your organisation create tools that would contribute to the decolonising process? Are you eager to dive into the decolonise topic, learn from others and upskill your facilitation skills? Then this training is for you!  


a combination of ToT and Tool Fair

The training focuses on educational tools that can be used to reflect with volunteers and staff on existing inequalities in International Voluntary Service. At the same time these tools should create space for possible new ways of working, encouraging participants to work on change in their own lives, their organisations and the ecosystems we all are part of. 

The participants are encouraged to develop their educational competences so that they can accompany these reflection processes in a responsible and constructive way as these conversations can be uncomfortable. This training, apart from emphasising on exploring new tools, will also work on the development of facilitation skills so that these tools can be used in a safe space creating new insights. 

The Decolonise Tools developed so far include: 

  • Decolonise Card Game: “Reverse Injustice” 
  • Decolonise Self Assessment Tool
  • MOOC focusing on preparation of volunteers from a decolonised perspective
  • Guidebook for Participatory Action Research

Apart from these specific tools, there is a huge collection of material available on topics very closely related to this Decolonising process: anti-racism toolkits, gender toolkits, global education toolkits, etc…
How we can combine a Tool Fair and a ToT?

By planning a Tool Fair we aim to bring together these resources and encourage participants to try-out some of these existing materials. Combining it with a ToT we will create a space for the participants to learn how to adapt and apply them in their daily professional work as youth workers, trainers, educators. 

Together we will offer a programme that will lead the participants to engage in the decolonisation process by working on participatory and liberating facilitation skills while using the tools developed and collected in the Decolonise. Now! Project. 


During the event you will have the possibility to:

  • get insights on the topic of decolonisation
  • learn different facilitation techniques
  • explore a variety of methods and learn how to choose the appropriate ones for your activities
  • experiment with the Decolonise tools and use them in your organisations
  • collectively reflect on the use of Decolonise tools in your organisations, adapt them to your local context and initiate new decolonise activities 
  • engage in a wider debate on the decolonisation process in the IVS movement and propose follow-up activities based on the learnings and needs 
  • create new synergies with IVS members and like-minded organisations to strengthen the common work on decolonisation. 


The Tool Fair and Training of Trainers wants to create a learning community which can support the pedagogical work linked to the Decolonise. Now!  project. Therefore we are looking for 

Volunteers, activists, trainers (to-be), youth workers, educators who: 

  • have an interest in International Voluntary Service and the topic of decolonisation 
  • have experience in organising educational activities
  • have motivation and interest in developing as trainers and educators
  • are active in an organisation, OR a youth group, OR have a background in volunteering or activism
  • can communicate in English
  • Mainly come from different European countries (check if your country is eligible here: Council of Europe countries) but there are also a few places reserved for non-European countries.   

The selection will take into consideration inclusiveness principles such as gender balance (including + groups), accessibility for people with disabilities and ensuring geographical, ethnic and socio-cultural diversity. 

Although the project is open to all, since part of this project is funded by the Council of Europe, 60% of the participants need to be 18-30 years old.

The learning journey 

  • Online preparation session – mid-July 2024
  • On-site training in Bulgaria – 7-13 August 2024
  • Remote work (follow-ups) in small teams – September – December 2024
  • Online evaluation meeting – beginning December 20


Thanks to the funding of the Erasmus+ programme and the EYF of the Council of Europe, this training has no extra participation fee. Travel will be reimbursed up to the established travel platform upon completion of the training and providing all the necessary travel documents. 

Where Eco-hotel Imenieto, Emen village, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

When From 7th August (arrival) till 13th August (departure) 

Accommodation The accommodation will be organized in double or triple rooms (in small family houses) which have a private bathroom, bed-linens and towels, and free Wi-Fi. There are many possibilities to enjoy the free time in the place – table tennis, swimming pool, volleyball, walk in nature or just relax in the green garden. 

Food The food we are going to provide will be vegetarian with vegan options. This is not just a practical decision, but also our suggestion on how to contribute to a more peaceful planet. 

Travel Participants will buy their travel tickets following the information provided in the info pack and will get travel reimbursed up to the budget limit and up to 1 month after providing all necessary travel documents. 

Visa Visa costs will be reimbursed if duly justified

More information and draft program you can find in the detailed Call for Participants


Fill in the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM as soon as possible and the latest by May 31st 2024.  In case of participants who require visas to travel to Bulgaria, you will receive a confirmation by June 5th 2024, so we can immediately initiate the visa application process required by the Bulgarian authorities.

All applicants will be informed about the final selection results by 18th June 2024. 


For any questions or clarifications, please contact us at

The prep team,

Ingrid, Kat, and Natalie 🙂

This training is part of the CCIVS 2024 work plan “Decolonise. Now!” supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and builds on the work done in the past years by CCIVS and its members on biases and power relations within the IVS movement.

While CCIVS is coordinating the overall project, CVS-Bulgaria is the local host for this activity and will support this training. Thus the training is also a part of the Erasmus+ accreditation plan of CVS-Bulgaria for 2023 and co-funded by the European Union (From Well-being to Well-doing // 2023-1-BG01-KA151-YOU-000139334). 

 Posted by Rian Hulscher at 18:25 Comments Off on Decolonise. Now!- Tool Fair and Training of Trainers is looking for participants!

You can find here the detailed Call for Participants and Application form.

The training is a part of the Erasmus+ accreditation plan of CVS-Bulgaria for 2023 and co-funded by the European Union From Well-being to Well-doing 2023-1-BG01-KA151-YOU-000139334

Финансирано от Европейския съюз. Изразените възгледи и мнения обаче принадлежат изцяло на техния(ите) автор(и) и не отразяват непременно възгледите и мненията на Европейския съюз или на Европейската изпълнителна агенция за образование и култура (EACEA). За тях не носи отговорност нито Европейският съюз, нито EACEA.

 Posted by Rian Hulscher at 14:56 Comments Off on TC “Pathways to Resilience in Youth Work” is looking for participants!

My name is Petya, a Bulgarian Youth Worker who joined the FLOW training in Innsbruck, Austria this April. 

FLOW stands for FLOW – “Facilitating, Learning, Organising and Welcoming” and the project was designed to deliver critical training for trainers to foster highly sought-after skills and personal inspiration that every trainer should possess.

I was very happy to be part of FLOW! In one week, I learned new techniques and approaches related to group facilitation and training delivery. In addition, I had the chance to meet and exchange ideas and experience with Youth Workers and Trainers from other EU countries. 

The intense daily program, packed with fun activities and practical workshops, usually ended with relaxed evenings where we all gathered to mingle, play games and come together as a group. The friendly atmosphere and the chill vibes made me feel happy and at ease. 

Now that I am back in Bulgaria, I can say that my heart is full and I am more than excited for future opportunities to train and pass on what I have learned. 

Many thanks for this amazing experience!



FLOW is financially supported by SCI’s Operating Grant, Partnership on Peace 2024, funded by the CERV Programme of the European Union.

 Posted by Rian Hulscher at 14:07 Comments Off on FLOW – Facilitating, Learning, Organising, Welcoming- a participant impressions from a Training for Trainers

Being a volunteer youth worker at CVS-Bulgaria has been a great experience. So far, I’ve been able to meet with dozens of refugee children and play my part in making what can otherwise be an incredibly stressful period of their lives a little better.

An important yet oft ignored aspect of youth work is the mental well-being of not just those being worked with, but the youth workers and volunteers themselves. In the last week of February, I was able to participate in a training consisting of 30 unique participants, 10 different countries, and 17 nationalities around the world. 

Centered in the peaceful Poznan, Poland, this little melting pot of the world came together to address this pressing issue in the youth worker community. I eventually arrived in Poznan and was greeted by an incredibly welcoming and vibrant group of individuals, all with unique backgrounds and perspectives to add on this matter.

Multiple workshops addressing mental well-being were led by our instructors for the training, Natalie and Goska. Their seasoned experience in youth work allowed them to share multiple pieces of helpful advice in maintaining our well-being in stressful periods.

Even while learning at the training, our mental health was thoughtfully considered by our trainers. Some of our activities – when the weather allowed it – was held outdoors, where we were able to connect with not only nature, but with each other as well. 

While I take the many lessons and advice learned at the training back to Sofia, and eventually my home in the United States, I also take back countless memories. One of the pieces of advice offered by our trainers in order to deal with stress is to surround ourselves in a positive environment. I’m especially confident that such was achieved in Poznan, and I hope to keep in contact with the many great individuals I met during our training. I strongly urge anyone – regardless of their background or hesitations – to consider taking part in training courses of SCI, a truly wonderful experience.

“Stop. Reflect. Do Better” project (2023-1-PL01-KA153-YOU-000148664) is run by SCI Poland and co-funded by the European Union.

 Posted by Kathy at 17:35 Comments Off on SCI training courses – a truly wonderful experience!

The Training of Trainers for Peace, part of the Educators for Peace project, took place from 16 until 23 November 2023 in Koniz, near Bern in Switzerland. 30 participants from 12 countries in Europe and the Middle East attended and Lilly Dakova was one of them. We are happy to share her notes from the training.


Find your bubble, they say. Fill it with warm human beings who make you feel safe and special and empower you to believe in your abilities to make a change.

Let me tell you more about mine, a.k.a. Nostalgic post-impressions about the Training Course “Training of Trainers for Peace” in K?niz, Switzerland.

Learning can be a plethora of things. A maze, a lamp, an umbrella; imagination, reflection, unlocking your potential; running together, running from someone, running towards yourself. It all depends on your perspective and your willingness to open your mind and feel, explore, ask, share, and create.

The ToT training course encompassed facilitation fears and techniques, steps in developing a workshop, dealing with challenging situations, evaluation and measurement of impact, and digital tools. It made us waltz – both in the vast hall of the house and in the corners of our minds – in order to think of personal examples and investigate what we could have done a bit better. Regret is rarely a perfect option, but improvement can always be.

You are the owner of your well-being and you are responsible for your education. Don’t be afraid to think of yourself as a change-maker. Paraphrase the astonishment provided by others, make space for different paces and mistakes, and balance the wheel of your emotions.

We live in a world that is full of beauty. Let’s help more people feel it.


This project is financially supported by Movetia. Movetia promotes exchange, mobility and cooperation within the fields of education, training and youth work – in Switzerland, Europe and worldwide. 

 Posted by Natalie at 12:05 Comments Off on Nostalgic post-impressions about the Training Course “Training of Trainers for Peace” in Koniz, Switzerland

We are happy to share the story of Bashak Sarah Yoney, who was a short-term ESC volunteer in Croatia this autumn (2023), part of the project “Green Fingers” of our partner organisation Udruga O.A.ZA. – Odr?iva Alternativa ZAjednici. The project is financed under the European Solidarity Corps program.


Ever since I’ve known myself, I’ve always felt deeply upset about all the bad and unjust in the world, and truly appreciated every single kind act.

With the guidance of these feelings I’ve had, I decided I wanted to do volunteering to give back to the society and to earth.

After I graduated college, I started looking for volunteering opportunities, both in my home country and abroad. In the process, I remembered about European Solidarity Corps, of which I learnt about thanks to a youth exchange I did previously. At that moment I realized this could be the perfect chance for me.

On European Youth Portal, while looking through volunteering opportunities, I came across Green Fingers, and I was instantly captivated! I’ve always been someone who not only appreciates, but also tries to nurture, protect, and connect with mother nature. So, I applied and heard back from Jasmina soon. After we got in contact we scheduled an interview, where Jasmina interviewed me and helped me with all my questions and concerns regarding the project. She also put me in contact with a sending organization since I didn’t have one (shoutout to Natalie as well, she was the best person I could ask for in a supporting organization!). With all the arrangements finished, I was ready for my journey!

After my bus ride, I arrived at Zagreb, where Jasmina picked me up and took me to our hostel, the accommodation. When I went there, all the other volunteers were outside since they arrived a day earlier than me and started exploring the city already! Realizing they’d already made friends with each other, I couldn’t help but feeling anxious: I was scared I couldn’t be friends with them, or that I’d miss my home, friends, and family. However, after I woke up from my nap, they were back at the hostel, and as soon as I met them, I realized I wouldn’t be too lonely. They were all very friendly and welcoming: they even made grocery shopping from the first day, and started cooking and eating meals together 🙂

Within less than a week, we started being friends as a group. Of course, not all of us got along with each other instantly, but over time, we discovered all the amazing sides of each other that made us unique, and we all became this crowded family! In the meantime, the activities and work started as well. We were so surprised and happy when we saw the office for the first time: it was in the middle of Zagreb, with a beautiful terrace, and over a hundred plants!

Soon we started working in school gardens. At first, we were focusing on the maintenance of the gardens, while also learning about the tools and plants. Additionally, since it was Day of European Languages shortly after we arrived, Mile thought it would be a nice idea to prepare a workshop for the students at the schools about our languages and cultures. Just like that, we begin preparing and executing workshops for the kids as well. In this first workshop we planned, we played games with the kids which were revolving around the kids guessing things about our cultures, and then proceeded with teaching them basic phrases and words in our languages. It was very encouraging and sweet to see them engage in the workshops and be interested about our cultures and languages.

Throughout our project we went to four different primary schools, in which we did our gardening activities and workshops. In one of the schools, we planted new flowers and little trees, while in another we were building composter boxes or raised beds out of wood. In one we were working with the children, while in others we were alone, focusing on the job we were doing. I must say, those times even felt like meditation: I would give all my attention, focus and care to the plant I was working with, and would have the chance to let go of my thoughts.

I learnt a lot during the time I spent in Zagreb. I learnt about gardening, about the types of plants, about how to care for them, how nature works and what it needs. While building in the gardens, I learnt how to use a drill and a hammer. I learnt how to have a good time with a group of kids, and what’s the best way to communicate with them in a healthy way. I learnt about Croatian language and culture, about their food and habits, and about Zagreb.

Furthermore, I learnt how to better work in a team. How to organize, take responsibility, participate in civil life, be more open minded, take initiative, be patient, and much, much more…

But there was one thing I learnt, which I could not have learnt anywhere else: I learnt how a random group of young people, from different ages and countries, could become family ?

Hvala to my family away from home and to green fingers for teaching me so much, and helping me on my journey to discover who I truly am 🙂

Can’t wait to see you again someday…

Bashak Sarah Yoney

 Posted by Natalie at 15:48 Comments Off on A story of Green Fingers project

Our partners from Tudatos Ifjusagert Alapitvany are organising Jump’IN training course from 15 to 22 October in Holloko, Hungary

About the project: 

The training course Jump’IN is designed for newcomers in Erasmus+ project realisation, beginners in project planning and management in youth work and also for those who would like to get on board with Erasmus+ Programme, especially with youth exchange activities. The training activity is especially designed for members of organisation, who have accreditation in the field of Erasmus+ in order to develop and lead quality youth exchange events connected to any of the 11 European Youth Goals.

This training course is focusing on exploring and understanding the project management cycle within the youth field. The main aim is to provide youth workers with space and tools to discover Erasmus+ youth projects and to equip them with practical tools and methods to develop their own project ideas and understand how they become capable to manage a successful youth projects within the framework of Erasmus+ Programme.
The programme is designed to enable youth workers to develop and realise their youth exchange projects to be able to implement them after the course.

Participants profile:
The training activity is especially designed for members of organisation, who have
accreditation in the field of Erasmus+ in order to develop and lead quality youth exchange events connected to any of the 11 European Youth Goals.


Costs will be covered accrding to the rules of the Erasmus+ Programme. A participation contribution of €60 (€10/working day) per participant is expected to be paid as contribution.


Application deadline is 15th September 2023 for the participants. 

Application can be done throught this online form.

The call is available here:

The detailed call for participants is available on SALTO, as well as here

 Posted by Kathy at 15:19 Comments Off on Jump’IN training course is looking for paticipants

The Master’s of Arts (MA) Programme Peace and Conflict Studies provides scholarly education in areas of international peacebuilding, conflict transformation, development policy, diplomacy, human rights, security, and disaster management. It also provides action-oriented training in teamwork and development, diversity and identity, inclusion, capacity development, and intercultural communication. 

Duration/ECTS: 4 semesters /120 ECTS

Mode of Study: Full time

Language of instruction: English

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in any discipline

Application period for 2023/24 intake: March 1 to May 15, 2023. 

MA Programme Peace and Conflict Studies info:

Admissions procedure:

Cost structure: for EU-students and students that have the same legal status as EU residents, the MA Programme is completely free of charge except for a minor Austrian Student Union tuition fee of currently 21.70 EUR/semester. For non-EU-students the costs are currently 726.72 EUR/semester.

For specific questions candidates can directly contact Prof. Dr. Andreas Oberprantacher, MA at

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 Posted by Kathy at 18:38 Comments Off on Master’s of Arts (MA) Programme Peace and Conflict Studies in Innsbruck University
May 072023

The right for self-determination in gender

International Activity for youth and social workers, activists and volunteers

05.-14. June 2023 in Berlin – Weissensee, Germany

(Call for applications)

Gender is a socially constructed phenomenon that is often understood as only binary, and therefore excludes other forms of gender expression in our society. Cis-normativity and cis-sexism leave little if any space for gender diversity, self-determination and other forms of sexual identity.

As peace and volunteer organisations, we want to support a large number of young people who are exposed daily to discrimination, structural violence, human rights violations and exclusion in society due to their gender or sexual orientation. In many regions, these problems are denied or, worse, those affected are verbally harassed or physically attacked. It affects different areas of their life such as family, school, work, personal development. In some countries, these problems go beyond customs, stereotypes and norms, where LGBTQIA+ communities are still criminalised and legally denied their rights and freedoms. 

It is equally important to gather and share experiences – whether common or different – to build stronger connections and unity among LGBTQIA + activists. In many countries, the situation has been stale or almost unchanged, hence a breakthrough is needed. Our project will provide an opportunity to establish contacts, learn from each other, and share knowledge in activism and advocacy and thus impact directly on local communities.

The Venue

The activity will take place at Tagungswerk im KuBiZ, Berlin – Wei?ensee

Aims of the Project

  • Support and advocate for the rights of LGBTQIA + people.
  • Acquire skills and competences to more effectively do so and to strengthen the concerns of LGBTQIA+ individuals and communities.
  • Learn how to raise awareness among others and how to share knowledge, to advocate and campaign for gender justice.
  • Contribute to more visibility for LGBTQIA + communities through creating visual and informative materials e.g. videos, flyers, magazines, posters and social media campaigns.  

Living in a Group

We will spend one week together in a group of almost 30 people with different backgrounds and experiences. For us it is very important to take time to create a safer space to live and work together. For this we will set up a group agreement all together at the beginning. Please be aware that inclusion, anti-discrimination and reduction of stereotypes is nothing very easy and might be challenging for people. We invite you to come openly to the seminar and to be open to learn, reflect, and on the same side be mistake – friendly!


  • Participants create their own zine / booklet with personal stories from interviewed persons;

Everyone who comes to this seminar should…

… be actively involved in their sending organisation, in youth or voluntary work or in activism

… ideally have experience in international peace work or activism

… participate actively in the activity and in the production of the outputs

… be comfortable with speaking and writing in English

… ideally be committed to come to the activities by overland route (public transport, no flying)

Eligible Partner Organisations/Countries: 

Please note that there will be opportunities to spend free time in Berlin, but that this is not a „getting to know the city” project. On some days, the seminar also foresees evening sessions.

Logistics, Financial Conditions and Sustainability

  • Simple life: The seminar will take place in a seminar house with simple living conditions. You will sleep in a room shared with few other people.
  • Costs: We cover all essential costs of the program (including vegetarian/vegan food, travel costs up to a maximum amount per distance (maximum travel reimbursement amounts: 10-99 km = 20 Euro, 100-499 km = 180 Euro, 500-1999 km = 275 Euro, 2000 -2999 km = 360 Euro) visa costs, accommodation, and seminar) through an Erasmus+ European project grant. We will reimburse your costs some weeks after project completion, after you have submitted a complete expenditure summary with original receipts. Your sending organisation might ask for a small participation fee. These fees are, apart from excessive travel costs, the only costs you need to cover yourself.
  • Sustainable food: You will prepare meals in small teams and shifts for the whole group. Food will be simple and preferably vegetarian or vegan to support climate justice.
  • Sustainable travels: Please use sustainable means of transport rather than flying. We will give you more guidance on how you can reach the venue once you have been accepted to the seminar.

How to apply:

Please send your application for Breaking Through with the filled Application Form to and After we accept your application, you will receive a detailed Infosheet. 

Detailed call for participants

 Posted by Kathy at 16:17 Comments Off on Breaking Through