September came and with it arrived the updated Vacancies List with Long-term Volunteering Positions in SCI. From the link below you can download the list, take a long look at it and check if there you can find YOUR project. If yes, write to Natalia Zhivkova at
Note that some of the projects are European Voluntary Service (EVS). In EVS the accommodation, food and activity costs are covered and 90 % of the travel costs are reimbursed. The other type of projects the so-called LTV projects have specific financing conditions for each project which are described in the file. To participate in a LTV project you have to pay administrative fee to CVS Bulgaria of 150 lv. and the volunteer covers their own travel and visa expenses. There is a specific form to be filled in for LTV projects, which you can find attached below.
In case you have more questions or you want to apply, don’t hesitate to contact Natalia.
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