Visual Storytelling from A to Z


About the project

The project “Visual storytelling from A to Z” aims at bringing self-awareness at the participants, on their own identity and perception as human beings, not as objects of stereotypes based on their gender. This issue is very common in young people, raised in environments filled with thoughts like masculinity is for boys and emotions are for girls. 

The youth needs to raise their gender literacy to achieve better self-understanding and confidence. Now in the era of technology, young people spend more time online, where many issues are projected in the web showing the need of raising the media literacy in young people. The world of media and social networks is becoming more and more visual, so the need to distinguish between the good and bad examples of media provocations is pretty urgent too.

By this project we are willing to promote gender diversity and by transferring understanding on common fundamental values of our society to reach young people and to contribute to the prevention of violent radicalization based on gender.

The program of the training activity is organized in building up thematic modules to provide new information, enhance knowledge and develop the skills of participants, and enable participants to share in a safe and creative environment. The program also includes meetings with experts on visual arts as well as visiting several associations who will share their own practises and who are experts in the field of gender equality and will further contribute to the learning and development process.

The program of the training is organized in several modules like “raising gender literacy”, “raising visual arts skills” or “visual stories become real” where the participants will be provided with new information to enhance their knowledge and develop their skills. We will work on creating a safe space where everyone feels comfortable sharing personal experiences and situations as well as feel free to unleash their creativity. The program also foresees the visit of professionals of visual arts to the centre where the training will take place in addition to meet workers from different associations in Sofia working on practices related to gender equality.

We will integrate in the working methods of this training those of experiencial learning and non-formal and informal learning to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and skills in a series of activities meant to be enriching and entertaining where participants will feel prone to contribute, share ideas, discuss, and have fun altogether. We have devised this training for participants regardless of their level of expertise on the Gender topic to generate an space of exchange among participants that will lead to peer-to-peer learning. Our main objective is to get them involved to continue spreading the word in their local communities about gender equality.

Interactive presentations, working in small groups, debates, ice-breaking games, energizers, sharing experiences, group and self reflections, and other methods will be used to encourage the inclusion of all participants in the activities.

The participants we aim to reach with the project are young people, activists and youth workers who want to learn more about visual arts, how to use creative techniques on raising awareness on gender related topics and how to adapt them for an everyday work within their local realities. All of them will be given a Youthpass certificate as proof of their participation and contribution to the project.

As a product of the project, we envisage to gather several photographies related to the topic of gender equality.

Call for participants – Deadline to apply: 30/08/2021

Project results

The project “Visual storytelling from A to Z”,  2019-2-BG01-KA105-062826
 is supported by Erasmus+ Programme, under KA1, Youth workers mobility