The project aims to cast a light on propaganda before and during WWII, focusing on its role to enforce the concept of “enemy” – from national and ethnic groups to political opponents and social groups. Moreover a special attention will be given to the role of grassroots media and peace organizations in challenging propaganda through innovative communication methodologies and tools.
Whithin the project there will be 5 Remembrance weeks (short term mobilities) and currently we are looking for participants for the Remembrance week in Poland, Poznan, from the 25th of June till the 4th of July 2021.
During the Remembrance Weeks participants, supported and guided by the Remembrance Messengers, will implement different activities aimed at going in depth into the following key words/topics:
- Remembrance
- Propaganda and media
- Nationalism
- Hatred of the enemy
- Grassroots media
- Pacifism
- Counter narratives
The Set of Infographics will be created on the basis of the researches participants will realize during the activity, focused on 10 specific topics:
- Fear
- Propaganda
- Gender
- Freedom of speech
- Nationalism
- History
- Normalization
- Youth
- Social Frustration
- Hate crimes
Participants will be asked to implement some previous research on the topics listed above with relation to their local contest, both in the past during the fascist/nazi regimes and in the present, in the policies or propaganda carried on by right-wings parties or movements.
It is important to bring to the Remembrance Week every material (soft and hard), pictures, fanzines, presentation, testimony that can give a contribution to the debate and to the research realization.
We are looking for participants who are:
Age 16+
Able to understand and express themselves in English
Willing to be open-minded and eager to learn from the workshops in this activity and from their peers, as well as maintain a positive attitude and a critical approach to the problematics and topics that will be reviewed
Interested in the topics of fascism, anti-fascism, propaganda, counter-propaganda, anti- racism, migration, etc.
Willing to contribute to the research creation with material, ideas, participation
Willing to share experiences and stories from their local environment/context and to collect material that will be useful for feeding the debate and realizing the research
Are committed to assist or take the lead role in planning and implementing local initiatives during the Remembrance Week in order to disseminate the learning outcomes.
The project covers the costs for:
- Travel (reimbursement up to 100 euro under reception of the Boarding Passes and all travelling documents)
- Food and accommodation during the Remembrance week
- Local transportation
- Health insurance
The costs for the eventual Covid-19 test cannot be reimbursed.
More information and Application:
General information about the Remembrance weeks can be found below
You can find more information about the Remembrance week in Poland (25 June – 4 July) and apply by clicking here!
If you have some questions, please do not hesitate to write to cvs.katerina@gmail.com or to incoming@jedenswiat.org.pl
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