От 4 до 17 юли 2011 г. ще се проведе поредния за последните десетина година лагер в еко-център в село Влахи. В лагера ще има участници от Русия, Германия и Чехия. Всеки, който желае да се включи в лагера, нека да пише на офисния мейл на Си Ви Ес – България cvs-bg@bluelink.net. Доброволците сами организират пътуването си до и от село Влахи, като ще се организира транспорт от Кресна до селото. Освен това се заплаща и застраховка за участниците в размер на 20 лв. Възможно е и евентуално включване само за някои от дните на лагера, като това трябва предварително да се координира с организаторите от Си Ви Ес – България. А ето и малко повече инфо за лагера от търсачката на Ес Си Ай – www.workcamps.info. Там може да намерите още много други предложения за лагери по цял свят!
Description: The project’s aim is to develop further the environmental demonstration and education center – “Nature School – Vlahi” “Nature School – Vlahi” aims to serve as:
• Centre for environmental education for children, pupils, students, organized tourist groups and individual tourists as a form of eco-tourism;
• Information and demonstration center for the sustainable use of natural resources for the local community and tourists;
• Centre for trainings, debate and seminars on topics related to eco-tourism, environment, biodiversity, sustainable development, and renewable energy for NGOs and CBOs
The Eco-center Vlahi project is very well known and during the camp there could be visitors that would like to join our group for a few days.
Type of Work: The main goal for the workcamp is to build a wooden fence for our garden from local materials.This will take most of the camp to complete.
Finally, a smaller task will be the marking of walking paths between Vlahi village and the villages of Stara Kresna and Oshtava in order to promote rural and eco-tourism, as well as to connect us to the mineral baths in Oshtava and Stara Kresna! The work is expected to be hard physical work and will be 6 hours a day
Study Theme: Leisure activities: There will be possibility to visit the hot mineral springs nearby. In the weekend an excursion could be planned – to the nearby mountain peak of Sinanitza or to Rozhen monastery and Melnik, where a wine tasting could be organized for the “connoisseurs”. Another possibility is to make an excursion to Rila Monastery, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. At the workcamp the participants will decide which excursion we will do. The expenses for the excursion should be covered by the participants.
Accommodation: The accommodation will be in tents in the yard or on the wooden floor inside the eco-center. Please bring a tent if you have one. In either case, you will need to bring a sleeping bag and sleeping mat. The participants will rotate cooking for the group (please take some ideas or recipes from your national cuisine). Food will primarily be vegetarian. There is a shower available outside in the garden, the water is heated by solar collectors. It is also possible to take a bath in the river nearby. We use composting toilets which are outdoors. In the kitchen we have a working sink, but this is the only indoor plumbing. Please be prepared for these conditions. They are part of the sustainability of the Eco-center
Language: English
Qualifications: –
Terminal Location: : The village of Vlahi, municipality of Kresna, southwestern Bulgaria, in the foothills of the Pirin mountains ( The Pirin Mountains are declared as a National Park and the park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site). Vlahi village is very small and rural. Only 7 people are living permanently there, however many families have summer homes there.
Extra Costs: 0.00