Търси се един доброволец по Европейска доброволческа служба (ЕДС) за проект в Гърция за работа с хора с увреждания. Повече можете да прочетете на този линк.

Ако се интересувате, моля изпратете автобиография и мотивационно писмо до Снежина Козарева на cvs-bg@bluelink.net възможно най-скоро.

 А какво ще рече ЕДС проект?! Това е проект по Европейска доброволческа служба, финансиран от Европейската комисия чрез програма “Младежта в действие”. По проекта се предвиждат пари за дейности, храна, настаняване, транспорт, застраховка и джобни за доброволеца. Освен това програмата покрива и 90 % от пътните разходи на доброволеца до и от мястото на проекта.


Тук може да прочетете описанието на проект по Европейската доброволческа служба (European Voluntary Service – EVS) в Гърция.  Проектът се казва “Promovolu”, а посрещащата организация е гръцкият клон на Ес Си Ай – SCI Hellas. Ако проектът ви заинтересува изпратете CV на cvs-bg@bluelink.net до 20 май.

Ако имате въпроси относно Европейската доброволческа служба и нейните условия или по самия проект, моля не се колебайте да се обръщате за въпроси към Снежина Козарева на cvs-bg@bluelink.net

Project title: Promovolu
EI code: 2010-GR-23
Coordinating and Hosting organization: SCI-Hellas
Place: Athens, Greece
2 volunteers:
Project starts: 4 March 2012
Project finishes: 3 January 2013
2 volunteers:
Project starts: 4 January 2013
Project finishes: 3 November 2013

The hosting organization and the venue

SCI Hellas is the greek branch of Service Civil International, a volunteer organisation aiming to promote peace and international understanding and solidarity through the realisation of short or/and long term volunteering projects as well as the participation in training seminars and international campaigns. SCI believes that all people are capable of living together with mutual respect and without resource to any form of violence to solve conflicts. SCI Hellas is active in EVS since 1999 and has been hosting, co-ordinating and sending organisation.

The activities that SCI Hellas usually organizes include:

(a)    – international workcamps

(b)  –  long term volunteering services

(c)   –  trainings / seminars on volunteering and related issues

(d)  –  international awareness campaigns.

SCI Hellas is also a member of the Greek International Year of the Volunteer (IYV) Commission. Finally, we are involved in the Youth and Unemployment Working Group of SCI, a network that works with disadvantaged young people through youth exchanges and EVS ST projects.

The project will take place mainly in Athens, at the office of SCI Hellas. During summer workcamps and, if present, youth exchanges, the volunteers will move to the respective locations.

The role of the volunteers

The work of the Promovolu volunteers will be divided into three phases.

The first one will be from the beginning of the service until May (winter phase), the second one from June until August (summer phase) and the third one from September until the end of the service (autumn phase).

During the Winter phase the main tasks of the volunteers will be:

  • Promotion of SCI and voluntary work to the public via open days, seminars, presentations etc. The volunteers will assist local volunteers in organising such activities. Includes help in the edition of SCI’s e-newsletter and website.
  • SCI Hellas organises half day EVS presentation events, addressed to interested youth. The Promovolu volunteers will assist in the events with the aim of sharing experience with local EVS candidates and providing them with firsthand knowledge of the reality of being a long term EVS volunteer.
  • SCI works with local communities, or other associations for the organisation of volunteer programmes. The volunteers will assist in establishing links with other NGOs active in field of SCI interest. Presentations and visits in situ are included.
  • Volunteers are encouraged to develop personal voluntary projects in relation to relevant issues (such as Refugees, Human Rights, Conflict Resolution, social exclusion, gender issues, peace education etc.) depending on their interest. Former Promovolus have developed so far projects on conflict resolution education, history of international volunteering in Greece, inclusion of socially disadvantaged volunteers in international volunteering, awareness campaign on visa and international volunteering, cataloguing and setting up a library and a permanent exhibition, promotional leaflet of SCI-Hellas, etc.

Whenever possible, all SCI work is done by working groups or teams of volunteers.

In the Summer phase, the volunteers will participate in SCI summer workcamps and, if present, youth exchanges, and assist in the preparation and follow up of those camps/exchanges. The first month (June) depending on the opportunities available and on the interest of the volunteers, they will receive:

-workcamp management training,

-co-ordinator training,

-will learn group dynamics and

-conflict resolution techniques.

It is not known at this moment, how many and which are the workcamps that SCI Hellas will organise next summer. Some time before the workcamp (early June) visits in situ are needed to check the conditions and agree with the co-operating organisation on the facilities that should be provided for the smooth running of the project. The volunteers will participate in those visits too.

During the Autumn phase, each volunteer will be involved in Reporting and evaluating the workcamps s/he has participated and the whole project. The volunteers will assist in compiling the statistics of SCI Hellas for the annual report of SCI, in organizing the evaluation meeting of Greek volunteers who participated in SCI workcamps during the summer, proposals for follow up and prepare the ‘first’ edition of the e-newsletter of SCI Hellas following the exchange season, where there is quite some information to be shared. Additionally at this time of period volunteers will organise in cooperation with the members of SCI-Hellas promotional activities for the organisation and volunteering generally as well as contacts with organisations and municipalities for new workcamps. This is the period for them to develop their own projects as well.

It is a fundamental intention of SCI Hellas to provide adequate preparation training to all volunteers, both local and international, before embarking in the realization of volunteer tasks within the organisations’ aims. In addition, it is SCI Hellas modus operandi to divide and share volunteer tasks among small groups of volunteers that would support each other and learn group work in practice in the materialization of those tasks. In such a way it is a mutual enrichment in knowledge and practice from/by the organization, from/by the local volunteers and from/by the Promovolus.

Volunteers will be trained and supported in order to develop their tasks either through specific training courses (on topics such as Organisation of open day events, Edition and running of SCI Hellas e-newsletter, Camp-leader training etc.) or in the form of an ongoing informal supervision and support by the task responsible in SCI Hellas.

Practical information

The volunteers will be hosted in a flat where they will stay in double or triple room and they will share common spaces (living room, kitchen and bathroom).

They will receive monthly pocket money (95 euros) and food money (at least 160 euros) to buy their own food. All local and, if needed, international travel expenses related to the implementation of the project will be covered by the hosting organization.

At the beginning of the service the volunteers will be introduced to their mentor, who will hold regular meetings with them to help them reflecting on their learning process and will be also available at any time in case problems or crisis arise. A supervisor of the tasks from SCIHellas will be in charge of training and helping the volunteers so that they can develop their tasks.

Volunteers will work maximum 6 hours per day, 5 days per week. During workcamps or whenever they will be asked to work 7 days per week, they will get two extra days free after the end of the activity.

In relation to holidays the volunteers will be off for Christmas, Easter, National Holidays and a holiday time (total of 2 days per month of service).