По-надолу може да прочетете описанието на проект по Европейска доброволческа служба (ЕДС) на словенския клон на Ес Си Ай (SCI – Service Civil International). Zavod Voluntariat търси двама доброволци за проект с продължителност от 12 месеца, а началната дата е 1 януари 2012.
Работата ще бъде разнообразна и ще включва работа в офис през зимните месеци, популяризиране и реклама на дейностите на организацията, подготовка и обучение на доброволци и други вълнуващи дейнсоти. През лятото доброволците ще бъдат ангажирани с международните проекти на Zavod Voluntariat из Словения – доброволчекси лагери, младежки обмени и други подобни. По-подробно описание на проекта на английски език може да прочетете по-надолу.
ЕДС проектите се спонсорират от Европейската комисия и разходите на доброволците по време на проекта се поемат от организаторите, а 90 % от пътните разходи също се покриват.
Ако този ЕДС проект е привлякъл вниманието ви, моля изпратете CV и мотивационно писмо защо искате да участвате точно в този проект, на cvs-bg@bluelink.net до Снежина Козарева.
Крайният срок за изпращане на документите е 3 август 2011.
Ако искате да получите повече информация за проекта или за Европейската доброволческа служба, сте добре дошли да зададете въпросите си отново на Снежи, която отговаря за ЕДС.
Zavod Voluntariat is looking for EVS volunteer in EVS project »Volunteers for volunteers 2012«
The volunteer will be involved in the activities carried out by Slovenian SCI branch Voluntariat. During the summer months volunteer will be participating on international work-camps, help organizing and conducting youth exchanges and other similar projects. During the winter months he/she will help organizing promotional activities, help with the workshops and trainings for volunteers and with the activities for our Club of volunteers (which organizes different social events, workshops and exhibitions, films different promotional and documentary videos etc).
Working hours will be flexible, depending on the activities. The average working hours will be around 6-8 hours a day.
The application will be sent to Slovene National agency on 1st of September of 2011. The project will start on 1st of January of 2012. We expect the volunteer to participate on the project for 12 months.
The group:
The volunteer will mostly be working together with the staff of Zavod Voluntariat and occasionally with representatives of partner organizations and local volunteers. There will be two EVS volunteers involved in the project…
The volunteer will have his/her own room in an apartment shared by another EVS volunteer and possibly by other Slovene students.
Most of the activities will take place in Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia. Some of the activities will however take place in cooperation with different organisations in smaller places in Slovenia. Additional activities, mostly seminars and trainings, will take place around Europe.
Who are we looking for?
A reliable, communicative and a very motivated volunteer, who wants to gain new knowledge that he/she could later on apply in future professional and personal activities and situations. It’s very important that the volunteer is used to working in a team, that he/she is sociable, has a sense of humour and is flexible in different situations (e.g.: to propose/invent some additional activities in a time when there won’t be any other specific activities on the agenda and prepared to give an extra hand in a period full of current activities.). Volunteer will also need to have a lot of self initiative, since you will be »your own boss« in coordination and implementation of activities…
Volunteers who have experience, or would like to learn more about web design, graphic design, newspaper editing and video production (filming, editing) are especially welcome!
The deadline for applications day is 3th of August!