Ти си на възраст между 18 и 30 години, имаш желание да бъдеш доброволец, интересуваш се от изкуство и фотография, искаш да работиш заедно с доброволци от Португалия, Германия и Словения с младежи в Нормандия, Франция? Всичко това плюс истински приключенски дух и възможност да заминеш за 9 месецa в началото на октомври 2012!
Всичко това е напълно възможно благодарение на одобрен проект по Европейска доброволческа служба, започващ на 1 октомври, за които се търси 1 доброволец. При ЕДС проектите се покриват разходи за храна, настаняване, дейностите по проекта и джобни пари, а също така се покриват 90 % от пътните разходи.
Ако сме привлекли интереса ти, бързо-бързо прочети повече подробности в описанието по-надолу на английски език, подготви CV и мотивационно писмо на английски език и ги изпрати на Наталия на имейл longterm@cvs-bg.org.
Срокът за изпращане на кандидатури е 13 септември!
Project description:
Who? The organization “R?seau des MJC Normandes / RMJCN” (Network of youth and cultural centers in the Normandy region) located in France is looking for one volunteer for its project 2010-FR-5.
For who? A motivated youngster between 18 and 30 years old interested by art and culture, curious, open-minded, and who likes working in a team. Driving license would be really good!
What ‘s the RMJCN? The RMJCN helps its affiliated associations, as well as its staff, to set up their projects, particularly for the children and the young people.
What’s the project? It will be a collective EVS hosting on the topic of Art and Culture with 3 other volunteers from Germany, Slovenia and Portugal.
To do which Activities?
- Follow-up of a common project done with the other volunteers one day per week
- Doing videos and photos reports concerning the collective voluntary service
- Presentation in front of the different organizations of youngsters from 12 to 17 years old
- Sharing his/her experience, culture, motivation, feelings in the different youth and cultural centers and leisure centers of the region
Where? In France; Normandy Region. The city where you will be is called Yvetot (about 8000 inhabitants). Yvetot offers all services
(administrative and health services) and leisure (cinema, restaurants, cultural centers…). A train joins Paris to Le Havre (1h1/2 from Paris and less than 30 mn from Le Havre and Rouen), several bus lines (one goes to the see). It is a tourist area which offers many possibilities. The accommodation is a nice flat where everyone has its own room. You’ll have to share it with the 3 other volunteers.
How long? 9 months
When? From 1st of October 2012 (very soon!) until 30th of June 2013.
We are waiting for you!
Please, send your CV and motivation letter to:
Natalie Zhivkova – longterm@cvs-bg.org
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