We are opening the call for participants of 4 training courses, part of the long-term project “PEACE INNOVATION LAB: YOUTH WORK EDITION”, supported by EACEA through ERASMUS +, Key Action 2.

The first training course is called “Building Bridges” and will be organized from September 25th until October 2nd in Krusevac, Serbia.

Below you will find some short info about each training course. And here is the detailed call.

To apply fill in the application form here.

BUILDING BRIDGES | Krusevac, Serbia | 25.09 – 2.10.21

Training course on peace and reconciliation in youth work dimension. Training aims to equip youth workers with deeper understanding of peace and reconciliation processes, elements and strategies. It will build competencies of youth workers to promote peace, inter-cultural and inter-religious dialog, against violence, discrimination and hate speech.

Through this training we will empower youth workers to engage in the complex topic of peacebuilding and peacekeeping, conflict transformation, anti-discrimination and intercultural learning/dialogue providing them with necessary skills, attitudes and knowledge.

CHANGE ACADEMY | Bitola, North Macedonia | 31.10 – 8.11.21

Training course on peace and reconciliation training and education in youth work field. This training aims to build capacities of youth trainers and educators in youth work field to successfully develop detailed programme and methodology, facilitate, implement and evaluate training activity with focus on peace and reconciliation topics.


  • Peacebuilding and Reconciliation
  • Stereotypes, prejudice, hate speech
  • Changing narratives and combating conflict propaganda
  • Designing a Training programme
  • Methodology in non-formal education
  • Group dynamics, motivation and participation
  • Facilitation skills
  • Culture, identity and intercultural learning
  • Peacebuilding education

ART-&-FACT | Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina | 22.01 – 30.01.22

Training course on creative forms of reconciliation, solidarity and conflict transformation advocacy and promotion in youth work. Training aims to explore different cultural and art expressions, methods and tools with purpose to promote peacebuilding, understanding, respect, conflict resolution, diversity and raise capacity of youth workers/youth activists to employ creative advocacy and promotion in their work with young people and in community.

EUREKA EFFECT | Vlasenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina | 12.03-19.03.22

Training Course on social innovation of reconciliation process through youth work using cross-sectoral approach and different design methods. With this training we aim to build capacities and advance skills of experienced youth workers in innovating and re-designing their approaches and activities towards reconciliation and youth cooperation empowering peace building, providing deeper and more socially responsible youth work agenda.


  • Peacebuilding and Reconciliation
  • Conflict transformation on small scale
  • Active role of youth work
  • Setting up the innovation process
  • Creative process of design thinking
  • Co-creation in youth peacebuilding initiatives
  • Pitching the idea


  1. is an active member of the partner organization;
  2. has some previous experience in youth work;
  3. is able to contribute to the development of the topics of the training;
  4. will be actively involved in preparation and leading youth activities in near future;
  5. is able and ready to be involved in all the relevant activities of the project: online learning modules, residential training and follow up practice activities


Online learning platform is online space which contains different resources, materials, training tools and methods, ideas and proposals. It has interactive character for direct communication and support, expert advice, sharing experiences, good practice examples and easy cooperation, reporting, management and teamwork. For these purposes, we will use DISCORD as our main hub space and other digital tools and storage space additionally according to the needs of the project and activities. We have a Platform Manager who will support all the activities on the platform and help partners, participants and trainers/experts to use it efficiently.


  • Familiarise yourself with the platform with support of Platform Manager beforehand
  • Join the platform 10 days before the residential training
  • Participate actively in the activities on the platform and communication with the others (peers, trainers, project team)
  • Use the platform for planning and reporting their follow up practical activities


Aim of the follow up activities is to further raise capacity of the youth workers in larger scale, and provide them with the space and opportunity to put their competences gained during training courses in practice and apply them in their working environment, with young people and peers from their community and on European level. Each participant of Mobility Activities will have the responsibility, supported by their sending organisations and project coordinator to prepare and implement the practical activity according to the topic of the training they attended and the requirements of each practical activity type listed below. The project foresees the budget for these activities. Note that these costs must be justified with bills and invoices.


Participants will be responsible to make need analysis, prepare content, organize practical and financial arrangements and implement their activities. They incorporate the visibility and promotion of their work and the project itself. The participants will need to document the process and, with help of their sending organisation, dully report it content-wise and budget-wise.

 Posted by Mira at 10:14 Volunteer activities

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