Програма  GRUNDTVIG организира пет дневен уъркшоп на тема инатеграцията в обществото чрез изкуството.

Уъркшопът ще се проведе между 01.10 и 05.10.2012 в D?wirzyno, Полша

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Topic of the Workshop:

 „Let’s integrate and animate!” workshop is an unique event concerning creation of an animation movie. There is equal access to it for everyone. The language of animation movie is understandable for everybody regardless culture, background, age or skills. No matter if you are educated or not, where you live or if you are disabled or able-bodied. You have to be just hot-headed and be ready to use your heart, hands, foot or mouth to model, paint, draw. It is an offer for those who need to express themselves through art. Our materials will be flour, salt, bread, paints, crayons etc. During our workshop you will learn what the production stages are, how to prepare scenario, storyboard, layout. You will be involved in drawing, scanning and compositing but also in montage and scoring. Your mentor will be the artists from famous Miniature Film Studio from Warsaw. During the workshop you will create your own animation movie! So let’s integrate and animate!


Language of the Workshop English


Target group:

The target group of the workshop is:

-9 people physically disabled,

-9 able-bodied people.


Our recruitment process will be based on the following criteria: passion (people who love drawing, painting, modelling), experience in similar international activities (we expect people who did not have much possibility for travelling and participating in such events). We will address our offer to physically disabled people and 9 able – bodied ones. People with disability could come with the company of someone who will be also interested in topic of the workshop.

We would like to invite people who are from disadvantage environment, who do not have access to rich cultural offer as it is in big cities. We expect people who are curious of world and who are willing to learn something new at the same time. We want to invite open-minded and interesting people who will find that event as an inspiration for other their activity.

We will analyse every application carefully, especially those from people with disability because we want to make sure we are ready to take responsibility of them and we could provide appropriate conditions. We require the knowledge of English on a basic level. We do not define the age of our participants. They only have to be adult.


Main activities / programme of the Workshop


Sunday 30.09.2012 Arrival day


Monday 01.10.2012

I. What it is a animated movie

II. Types of animated movies

III. Process of animated movie realization (production stages)

1. conceptual period

2. Photographic period

3. montage period

IV. Introduction to computer software for image processing

V. Presentation of basic concept regarding movie language

VI. Work on movie scenario which will be realized during workshop

VII. Beginning of the workshop movie animation


Evening games


Tuesday 02.10.2012

I. Practice exercise concerning topic which were presented yesterday

II. Correction of participants’ animation

III. Scanning of animation


Presentation of created animation and evening games


Wednesday 03.10.2012

I. Preparing animation according to screenplay

II. Correction of animation prepared by participants

III. Scanning of animation

IV. Preparing the sets for space animation

Sightseeing of Ko?obrzeg and lunch outside


Presentation of created animation and evening games


Thursday 04.10.2012

I. Continuation of preparing animation according to screenplay

II. Correction of animation prepared by participants

III. Implementation of initial and final subtitles

IV. Montage

VI. Dubbing voice


Presentation of created animation and evening games



Friday 05.10.2012

I. Preparing postcard

II. Summing up the workshop

III. Giving in certificates

Premiere of animation prepared by participations

Farewell party

Saturday 06.10.2012 Leaving day



The workshop will take place in a  centre adapted for the needs of disabled people . It is located directly at the coast.  The website of the centre is http://www.geovita.pl/obiekt/Dzwirzyno.2.html



We will encourage learners to arrive to Berlin airport according to a fixed timetable. The coordinator will be waiting for them at the airport. She/he will gather the people depending on the time of their arrival. Then they will go by bus directly to the hotel. We  predict the bus will go to the airport 3 times. The return travel will be organized in the same way.


How to apply:

Please fill in the application form, sign it and send it until 30 of July to this address:

Koszali?skie Towarzystwo Spo?eczno-Kulturalne,

Plac Polonii 1
75-415 Koszalin
woj. Zachodniopomorskie


You can also send it by fax 48 94 348 15 50


Contact person:

Anna Magryta-Urban, e-mail: a.magryta@integracjatyija.pl, tel. +48 889-215-536.


Ако предложението ве се струва интересно, попълнете формата за кандидатстване и я изпратете на горе посечения електронен адрес  в срок до 30.07.2012 г.


This poject has been funded with support from the European Commission.

 Posted by Vera at 14:32

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