
CVS-Bulgaria has two types of members – associate and full members. Everyone interested can become an associate member by filling out the application form and paying the membership fee. After being an associate member for one year and a half you have the right to apply for a full membership. At the General Assembly held each year all full members vote to accept the new applicants for full membership. Full members have the right to participate in the decision-making process related to the development of the organization.

If you want to be updated about the events of CVS-Bulgaria and to receive information on camps, youth exchanges, long-term volunteering, trainings, seminars, etc., you can join our mailing list. You should only contact us and check your e-mail regularly afterwards.

You can download the rights of the members and application form. Members can be people aged above 18 from all over the world no matter of nationality, religion, gender, race or political views.

Rights and fees CVS-Bulgaria members (in Bulgarian)
Application form associate members (in Bulgarian)