On the links below you can find more info and the description of three projects in Germany seeking for EVS volunteers. And next to every link you will see the start date and the period of service.
In case you are interested please send your CV and a motivation letter (in English) to Snezhina Kozareva on cvs-bg@bluelink.net as soon as possible. Please note that in order to apply for the project along with these papers you need to fill in the attached questionnaire – Questionnaire_Steinbeis.
More about the conditions and the profile of the volunteer you can find in the following document – EVS Germany – Conditions for application.
And what exactly is an European Voluntary Service project? It is a project financed by the European Commission through the Youth in Action Зrogramme. The project covers activitщ costs, food, accommodation, transport, insurance and pocket money for the volunteer. Moreover, the programme covers 90 % of the travel expenses of the volunteer to and back from the project venue.
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