Background and aims of the seminar:
SCI Madrid and the Trainers will host the seminar in Madrid, Spain, between 4th and 10th October 2018.
In total, we will be 25 participants from 12 partners: Armenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Macedonia, Russia, Spain and Ukraine.
The seminar will consist of five working days, in which methods, knowledge, experiences, approaches and ideas will be shared and the overall concepts of how to promote the visibility of homelessness in European society through local and international volunteering.
We wish to give the space to exchange how to do good preparation for volunteers and workers based on the human rights approach and focused on the autonomy and dignity of people, using volunteerism as a way to promote the visibility of homelessness in European society.
Profile of the participants:
Participants should be staff or volunteers responsible for preparation seminars and/or Homeless-related programs in your organisation, such as:
– Volunteers and workers involved in Homelessness issues in their organizations.
– Activists and workers involved in the selection and preparation of volunteers to work with Homeless People.
– Young participants with a strong interest in homeless people issues. And the implication of prejudices and stereotypes towards this group with the willingness to get involved with their sending organization to participate actively in getting a multiplier effect of what worked during the seminar in their locality of origin.
– Activists and workers involved in local volunteer projects.
– Trainers and experts in the field of training on Homeless People, Human Rights, prejudices and stereotypes or volunteering.
– Participants willing to act as photographers, journalists, etc. with the aim of increasing the visibility of the project.
In terms of selection, participants will be selected on the basis of their motivation and ability to act as multipliers.
The selected participants need to be activists and volunteers with a strong interest in Homeless People issues, plus they need to be ready to share with their sending organisations the outcomes of the seminar and promote these.
There will be no participation fee.
Activities costs, insurance, food and accommodation will be covered from the project budget, as well as travel costs in lines with rules and conditions of Erasmus+ programmе.
Contacts and deadlines:
Please download the application form, fill it in and send it to latest the 5th of August.
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