Call for participants
The training will take place from 8th (afternoon) till 15th April 2022 (7 working days and one travelling – 8th arrival and first working day and 15th April – departure day) in Sofia, Bulgaria.
34 participants ***15 partner organisations***13 countries:Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey, Czech Republic and Bulgaria. Residents of other EU countries are also welcome to apply!

- to improve the understanding of youth workers about the specifics of working with people with physical disabilities (motor, visual and mental);
- to increase knowledge on how to reach and involve young people with physical disabilities in everyday life activities of partner organizations;
- to provide youth workers with concrete ideas and tools for the inclusion of disadvantaged young people;
- to provide a set of specific methods for training and supporting young people with special needs in their involvement in various activities at local and international level;
- to encourage a positive attitude towards the implementation of projects with the participation of disadvantaged young people;
- to develop skills for empathy, acceptance and non-discrimination;
- to increase the attitude towards acceptance, solidarity and the promotion of social inclusion.
Profile of participants
- Age 18+
- youth workers, social workers, mentors, coaches of youth initiatives and solidarity projects, volunteer coordinators, trainers, facilitators, activists
- participants may have experience working with young people with physical disabilities (motor, visual and mental) who wish to share with other participants and increase their knowledge and develop their competencies, or
- so far have no experience and wish to start promoting and supporting the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities
- youth leaders who can turn into multiplayer and peer-to-peer trainers
- willing to share knowledge, ideas, useful tips
- willing to participate in the creation of the Toolbox for Social Inclusion
- able to understand and express themselves in English
- are committed to attending for the full duration of the event
- are committed to doing a follow-up/dissemination activity to be implemented in their country after the training
More information about the project and the training, the participation conditions, practicalities, eligible travel costs and reimbursement procedure, COVID19 protocol and appication procedure can be found in the detailed CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS.
More information about training activities and schedule can be found in the preliminary training PROGRAM.
If you are interested in participating, there are still free places for Bulgarians. Please apply by filling in the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM by 22.02.2022.

For any further questions, please contact us at or at + 359 888 751684.
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