Chapter “Challenging propaganda through Remembrance” project – 8 events have been carried out within this project:
Event 1- Preparatory Meeting
Participation: The event involved 15 participants from partner organizations, including 6 participants from Rome (Italy), 1 from Turin (Italy), 1 from Athens (Greece), 1 from Wien (Austria), 1 from Barcelona (Spain), 1 from Sofia (Bulgaria), 1 from Poznan (Poland), 1 from Budapest (Hungary), 1 from Lille (France), 1 from Bonn (Germany).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Rome, (Italy), from 10/12/2019 to 16/12/2019.
Short description: The aim of the event was to agree on the management, set up the activities, discuss the visibility and dissemination.
Event 2 – Training for Multipliers
Participation: The event involved 25 citizens, including 8 participants from Turin (Italy), 4 participants from Rome (Italy), 2 participants from Berlin (Germany), 2 participants from Athens (Greece), 2 participants from Lille (France), 1 participant from Sofia (Bulgaria), 2 participants from Pozna? (Poland), 1 participant from Barcelona (Spain), 2 participants from Budapest (Hungary), 1 participant from Wien (Austria).
Location / Dates: The event took place online from 03/04/2021 to 12/04/2021.
Short description: The aim of the event was to train a group of experienced multipliers (Remembrance Messengers) who could also supervise the Remembrance Weeks organized in different countries. Participants have been trained on propaganda before and during the World War II. They discussed the ICT aspects of the project and defined the topics of the researches they were going to start immediately after the end of the event.
Call for participants
Event 3 – Remembrance Week in Italy
Participation: The event involved 25 citizens, including 1 Participant from Poznan (Poland), 1 from Barcelona (Spain), 1 from Madrid (Spain), 3 from Turin (Italy), 1 from Wien (Austria), 1 from Colonia (Germany), 1 from Sofia (Bulgaria), 1 from Paris (France), 1 from Lisbon (Portugal), 1 from Athens (Greece), 13 from Rome (Italy).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Rome, Italy, from 14/06/2021 to 23/06/2021
Event 4 – Remembrance Week in Poland
Participation: The event involved 26 citizens, including 1 participant from Rome (Italy), 17 participants from Poznan (Poland), 1 participant from Budapest (Hungary), 1 participant from Geneva (Switzerland), 2 participants from Barcelona (Spain), 1 participant from Wien (Austria), 1 participant from Paris (France), 1 participant from Copenhagen (Denmark), 1 participant from Kosovo.
Location / Dates: The event took place in Poznan, Poland, from 25/06/2021 to 04/07/2021
Short description: The aim of the event was to focus on the topics of hate crimes, through the cooperation with Martyrdom Museum Wielkopolska, Poznan, and history with the result of three infographics. The infographics consist of printed manifestos about topics that, according to the participants, need peoples’ attention including reflections on the impact of words, diversity and the values needed for humanity.
Event 5 – Remembrance Week in Austria
Participation: The event involved 25 citizens, including 3 participants from Barcelona (Spain), 9 participants from Rome (Italy), 5 participants from Wien (Austria), 1 participant from Bratislava (Slovakia), 1 participant from Bruxelles (Belgium), 1 participant from Paris (France), 3 participant from Berlin (Germany), 1 participant from Zagreb (Croatia), 1 stateless participant asylum seeker in Austria.
Location / Dates: The event took place in Austria, from 14/06/2021 to 23/06/2021
Short description: The aim of the event was to focus on the topics of nationalism and propaganda and from
these topics developing infographics to be distributed through social media channels. The result of the event was two infographics – one providing information on how far-right movements communicate while the other deals with the Nazi persecution of homosexual people during the holocaust.
Event 6 – Remembrance Week in Greece
Participation: The event involved 25 citizens, including 4 participants from Rome (Italy), 14 participants from Athens (Greece), 1 participant from Sofia (Bulgaria), 1 participant from Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 1 participant from Poznan (Poland), 1 participant from Paris (France), 1 participant from Madrid(Spain) and 1 participant from Berlin (Germany).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Greece, from 29/08/2021 to 07/09/2021
Short description: The aim of the event was to deepen the Metaxas regime propaganda and the period of the nazi-fascist occupation of the country. Moreover, the role of the civil society in opposing the regimes has been analysed. Participants developed three infographics with information on topics related to propaganda and anti-facism.
Event 7 – Remembrance Week in Catalonia
Participation: The event involved 25 citizens, including 3 participants from Rome (Italy), 2 participants from Poznan (Poland), 1 participant from Bruxelles (Belgium), 1 participant from Athens (Greece), 1 participant from Istanbul (Turkey), 1 participant from Budapest (Hungary), 1 participant from Berlin (Germany), 1 participant from Bucares (Romania), 1 participant from Amsterdam (Netherlands), 13 participant from Barcelona (Spain).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Catalonia, from 23/09/2021 to 03/10/2021
Short description: The aim of the event was to discover the country’s past issues of propaganda and facism. The research resulted in three infographics regarding the issues of populism, gender and exile as well as a reminder linking the past to the present by urging critical thinking to prevent becoming victims of propaganda.
Event 8 – Final Event
Participation: The event involved 127 citizens physically participating in the event, including 102 participants from Italy, 6 participants from Spain, 1 participant from Austria, 4 participants from Bulgaria, 1 participant from Denmark, 2 participants from Croatia, 3 participants from Germany,1 participant from France, 1 participant from Ireland, 1 participant from Portugal, 1 participant from Poland, 2 participants from Greece, 1 participant from Kurdistan, 1
participant from Cyprus.
Location / Dates: The event took place in Rome, from 5/11/2021 to 8/11/2021
Short description: The aim of the event was to wrap-up the project of CHAPTER: Challenging Propaganda through Remembrance by inviting prominent speakers from all over Europe to discuss the current situations in terms of propaganda by far right movements and counter-propaganda in their respective countries. It gathered academics, media-activists, journalists, people and institutions. During the event, project outcomes have been presented to a broader public also thanks to the live-streaming, allowing to reach a transnational audience.
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The project «CHAPTER Challenging propaganda through Remembrance» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens”