“Volunteering from A to Z” project aims to improve and enhance the quality of the implementation of volunteer projects with a focus on ESC and thus ensure that the activities of these projects are achieved more effectively for both the main actors (volunteer, host organization, supportive organization, mentor, supervisor) as well as for the other affected – target group, local volunteers, local community, etc.
We want to achieve clarity, understanding and successful implementation of all steps in delivering high quality, meaningful and balanced service-learning volunteer projects by partner organizations as well as provide space and opportunity for networking and collaboration in which organizations can help and support themselves during the realization of their current and future volunteer projects.
“Volunteering from A to Z” project has a duration of 24 months (1.08.2019-31.07.2021) and will be coordinated by CVS – Bulgaria and implemented jointly with the partner organizations: Stowarzyszenie Jeden Swiat (Poland), Service Civil International Osterreich (Austria), Mtu Noortevahetuse Arengu Uhing Estyes (Estonia), Service Civil International – Deutscher Zweig EV (Germany), UTILAPU Nemzetkozi Epitotabor Halozat Egyesulet (Hungary), Servizio Civile Internazionale (Italy), Center For Intercultural Dialogue Association (Macedonia), European Youth Center Breclav European Youth Center Breclav ZS (Czech Republic), Asociacion Las Ninas Del Tul , Youth For Equality (Slovakia), Civica Initiative Civica (Romania) and Ve Ve Jenerasyon Dernegi (Turkey).
The project has two activities – a Volunteers management training (autumn 2019, in Plovdiv ) and Volunteering projects management seminar (spring 2020 in the village of Emen) and. Both events will bring together 32 participants from 13 countries – Austria, Germany, Estonia, Spain, Italy, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria.
The programs of the two activities are organized in building up thematic modules to provide new information, enhance knowledge and develop the skills of participants, and enable participants to share in a safe and creative environment. The programs of the two events also include visits of guest lecturers who are experts in the field and will further contribute to the learning and development process.
The planned activities and working methods are selected and prepared to support the learning process through experiential learning, non-formal and informal learning, creating a space for participants to learn, share, develop new competences freely and peacefully. We will follow the steps of accelerated learning (preparation, presentation, practice, and performance) for each session and the sequence of the entire training.
We have selected and planned the use of different methods interactive theoretical presentation, small group work, individual work, discussion, ice-breaking games, energizers, forum theater, sharing of experiences, role play, reflection. By creating and providing an appropriate environment and conditions, we will encourage the active inclusion of each participant, finding their strengths.
The participants we aim to reach with the project are youth workers, managers and volunteer project coordinators and (future) actors from the supporting system – supervisors, mentors. Additionally, both events will be suitable for other members of partner organizations, such as assistants, social workers or others who would like to upgrade their competences and take a different role in working with volunteers.
As a product of the project, we envisage the creation of a Notebook Planner in English that will help the supporting roles (project coordinators, supervisors, mentors) in delivering high-quality volunteer projects.
TC “Volunteers Management” 11-17 November 2019 /Plovdiv
Call for participants
Seminar “Volunteering Projects Management”, 15-21 July 2021/Dryanovo, V.Tarnovo
Call for participants
The project “Volunteering from A to Z”, 2019-2-BG01-KA105-062812 is supported by Erasmus+ Programme, under KA1, Youth workers mobility