About the Project!
Since 2014 Europe is facing the worst humanitarian crisis of re gees since World War II (WWII), the majority of them fleeing from Syria and Libya, while the economic crisis has been causing cuts to social inclusion, education and healthcare programmes. Make matters worse, populist groups’ media depict third?country nationals as exploiters of the welfare system while criminalizing civil society organizations in solidarity, thus fuelling social tensions into organized violence against people and institutions. Nazism and Fascism emphasized those features characterizing the public discourse during World War I and its aftermath such as nationalism, hatred of the enemy and dehumanization: all of that contributed to lay the groundwork for WWII.
In this sense the project “CHAPTER. Challenging propaganda through remembrance” aims to cast a light on propaganda before and during WWII, focusing on its role to enforce the concept of “enemy” from national and ethnic groups to political opponents and social groups. Participants, chosen among people who aren’t active citizens yet, will act as Remembrance messengers in order to relate past events to current trends. Moreover they’ll draw attention to the role of grassroots media and peace organizations in challenging propaganda through innovative communication methodologies and tools. The project gathers 11 partners from 9 countries: Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spain, Bulgaria – and foresees the realization of 5 Remembrance Weeks: Italy (14th-23rd of June 2021) / Poland(25th of June – 4th of July 2021) / Greece (25th of July – 3rd of August 2021) / Austria (8th – 17th of August 2021) /Catalunya (23rd of September -3rd of October 2021)
We are currently looking for 8 participants from Bulgaria, Spain, Poland, Greece, Italy, Hungary, France and Germany who want to attend the Remembrance week in Catalunya from 23rd of September till the 3rd of October 2021.
How will this Work?
In the Remembrance Week in Catalunya, we will discuss and reflect about History, Gender, Social Frustration through interactive discussion methods, individual research, creativity and different reflection methods. We will create our own outputs and infographic on following topic: Fear, Nationalism, Youth, Hate crimes, Propaganda, Freedom of speech, Normalization. The research on those topic listed above will be related to the Catalan / Spanish context but also context of the countries participants come from both in the past during the fascist/nazi regimes and in the present, in the policies or propaganda carried on by right-wings parties or movements.
This is not university or school, we will make the Remembrance week interactive and engaging. We will, among others, use methods of non-formal education, participatory discussion methods.
Who can participate
– Age 18+;
– Able to understand and express themselves in English;
– Interested in the topic of anti?fascism, propaganda, counter?propaganda, anti?racism, migration, etc.
– Able to participate in the complete project
– Motivated to create follow?up projects
We explicitly encourage participants of all genders, sexual orientations, abilities, races and ethnic backgrounds to apply.
How can I apply?
For more details about the Remembrance Week venue and every other logistic details, please click here.
If you are interested in participating you can apply by clicking here, by registering and filling the required fields. You will receive feedback
after a few days by the reception of your application. For any further questions please contact us at seminar@sci-cat.org
This Project is supported by Europe for Citizens programme of the EU. The travel costs will be reimbursed after the Remembrance Week for a maximum of 100 Euro per person. Food and accommodation, local transport and health insurance will also be provided to participants during the remembrance week. The costs for the eventual Covid19 test cannot be reimbursed.
Who organises this?
Service Civil International (SCI) is a volunteer organisation dedicated to promoting a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds. The organisation consists of 41 branches and an ever growing number of partner organisations. This project is organised by several SCI branches and partner organisations:
Servei Civil Internacional de Catalunya / CVS?Bulgaria / Service Civil International Hellas / Servizio Civile Internazionale Italia /
Centro Studi Sereno Regis / Stowarzyszenie Jeden Swiat / SCI Austria / Le Service Civil International / Service Civil International /Deutscher Zweig E.V. / Utilapu Nemzetkozi Epit?abor Halozat Egyesulet / UNITED for Intercultural Action

11-26 September 2021
About the Greenbelt Workcamp
The European Green Belt is a valuable ecological network along the former Iron curtain which divided Europe into east and west for nearly 40 years. The European Green Belt forms the backbone of Pan-European ecological network and provides a significant contribution to European “Green Infrastructure”. The Greenbelt-Initiative is an example of cross border cooperation and nature conservation. European Green Belt is a space for encounters between people and cultures and opportunities for a joint sustainable approach to natural and cultural heritage.
With this project in the Green Belt at the Austrian-Czech border, the Austrian League for Nature Conservation – Lower Austria and SCI Austria want to link international cooperation and nature conservation. Through the involvement of the communities in the border area and the close cooperation between the local people and international volunteers in the context of the Greenbelt Camp, we hope to bring peace, cooperation and unification ideas of ??the European Green Belt to life.
In order to preserve the diverse natural and cultural landscape along the European Green Belt, nature conservation-oriented management – in particular of open land biotope types such as (semi) dry grassland and rock dry grassland – is essential. This usually takes the form of manual maintenance of the valuable and species-rich biotopes and can hardly be managed today without the help of volunteers. Young people are invited to work together to help maintain valuable biotopes on the Green Belt and are given the opportunity to learn about the history of this landscape.
What will you do? In this Workcamp, you will take concrete action to maintain biodiversity in a part of the European Green Belt zone along the border between Austria and Czech Republic and contribute to preservation of endangered species in this area. Almost every day, we will work together for 5-6 hours. We will mow steep meadows and remove bushes from dry rocky grasslands that are threatened to be overgrown by bushes and trees. But don’t worry, we will have enough free days in between to rest and get to know each other and the region.
Study part! Apart from contributing to protection of endangered species by physical work you will also learn about them as well as about other plants and animals in the area. We will reflect upon ecological problems and initiatives that one can take in order to support environmental protection and promote a sustainable green Europe.
Leisure time! The beautiful region of Lower Austria offers a lot of possibilities for free-time activities. You can learn something about wine-production, we will visit the castle of Falkenstein, make a trip to Mikulov. There is also a little pond near our accommodation, where you can swim during your free time. Anyway, the free-time activities depend on you!
Who can participate?
- Between 18 and 30 years old
- Living in one of the following countries: Austria, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Italy, Ireland (if you?re not living in those countries but you are motivated to participate in the Camp please contact us at coordination.sciaustria@gmail.com
- Motivated to take concrete action to improve the natural environment and resist global challenges
- Able to participate in the complete project
- Be aware that the work is physically demanding!
We explicitly encourage participants of all genders, sexual orientations, abilities, races and ethnic backgrounds to apply.
This Project is founded by European Solidarity Corps. Therefore all travel costs will be reimbursed after the workcamp for a maximum of 275 Euro per person. Food and accommodation are included and a pocket money will also be provided to participants during the camp.
All participants will receive Youthpass upon successful completion of the workcamp.
Who organises this?
SCI Austria is the Austrian branch of the peace organisation Service Civil International. We exist since 1947 and organise volunteering camps and international educational projects around peace and social justice. We are not affiliated with any political party or religion. You can find out more about us on our website http://www.sciaustria.org/. If you have any questions about the project, you can reach us at coordination.sciaustria@gmail.com
Naturschutzbund Nieder?sterreich (Austrian League for Nature Conservation – Lower Austria) is an environmental NGO that supports and maintains protected areas in the region and wants to contribute to conservation of species and ecosystems in Lower Austria (Nieder?sterreich). See also https://www.noe-naturschutzbund.at (in German).
This Project is supported by European Solidarity Corps programme of the EU
How can I apply?
Fill out this application form shorturl.at/ovHX0
We will get back to you with the selection results as soon as possible!

The training will take place from 19th (afternoon) till 26th August 2021 (7 working days and one travelling – 19th arrival and first working day and 26th August – departure day) in Bulgaria, in Imenieto hotel, Emen, in Veliko Tarnovo region. The participants need to arrive in the afternoon on 19th August and depart on 26th August 2021.
34 participants ***15 partner organisations***13 countries:Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey, Czech Republic and Bulgaria. Residents of other EU countries are also welcome to apply!

- to improve the understanding of youth workers about the specifics of working with people with cultural differences;
- to increase knowledge on how to reach and involve young people with cultural differences (immigrants, refugees or descendants of immigrant or refugee families; members of national or ethnic minorities; people who have difficulties with their linguistic adaptation or cultural integration) in everyday life activities of partner organizations;
- to provide youth workers with concrete ideas and tools for the inclusion of disadvantaged young people;
- to provide a set of specific methods for training and supporting young people with special needs in their involvement in various activities at local and international level;
- to encourage a positive attitude towards the implementation of projects with the participation of disadvantaged young people;
- to develop skills for empathy, acceptance and non-discrimination;
- to increase the attitude towards acceptance, solidarity and the promotion of diversity.
Profile of the participants
- Age 18+
- youth workers, social workers, mentors, coaches of youth initiatives and solidarity projects, volunteer coordinators, trainers, facilitators, activists
- participants may have experience working with young people with fewer opportunities who wish to share with other participants and increase their knowledge and develop their competencies, or
- so far have no experience and wish to start promoting and supporting the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities
- youth leaders who can turn into multiplayer and peer-to-peer trainers
- willing to share knowledge, ideas, useful tips
- willing to participate in the creation of the Toolbox for Social Inclusion
- able to understand and express themselves in English
- are committed to attend for the full duration of the event
- are committed to do a follow-up/dissemination activity to be implemented in their country after the training.
More about the place
Apart from the learning experience envisaged in the program, the location of the training offers an opportunity for enriching free time, tailored to the participants’ different tastes and interests: eco paths, waterfall, nature, mediaval castle, picturesque streets and local craftsmanship. The nearby town of Veliko Tarnovo is offering a great diversity of free time places to visit.
More information about the project and the training, the participation conditions, practicalities, eligible travel costs and reimbursment procedure, COVID19 protocol and appication procedure can be found in the detailed
More information about training activities and schedule can be found in the preliminary training PROGRAM.

If you are interested in participating, there are still free places for Bulgarians. Please apply by filling in the Online application form.
For any further questions, please contact us at trainings@cvs-bg.org or at
+ 359 888 751684.
“Strengthening the youth response against LGBTIQphobia” in Barcelona from the 16th to the 23rd of July!

“Strengthening the youth response against LGBTIQphobia” in Barcelona from the 16th to the 23rd of July!
PeaceWeek “Strengthening the youth response against LGBTIQphobia” arrives this summer. This is a space for international exchange where people from different countries have the opportunity to learn about this subject and share their own experiences.
The aim of the activity proposed is to strengthen the capacities of SCI and youth LGBTIQ+ organizations in order to contribute to more inclusive societies through the struggle for the rights of LGBTIQ+ people and the promotion of volunteering as a tool to erase hate speech towards LGBTIQ+ people. Goals:
- Get to know the realities of the different countries (institutional discriminations, violations of rights, LGBTIQ+ movement, resistance, alliances, asylum procedures).
- Create a safe space for the participants to strengthen their capacities.
- Exchange good practices.
- Get to know local projects.
- Promote volunteerism and active citizenship as tools of social transformation.
- Explore topics such as the connection between LGBTIQ+ communities and different groups/movements (feminists, sex workers, refugees/migrants).
- Explore the topics from a decolonial, anti racist perspective bringing to light different levels of discrimination and privileges.The proposed activity will be in the format of “Peaceweek”, a kind of work camp, where young people from all over the world will take part, but with a good part of the time dedicated to study and debate sessions.
Who can participate? SCI youth workers from Germany, France, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Belgium, Ukraine and Albania.
If you are interested in participating in this project READ THE CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS and fill out this form asap! If in doubt, send an email to incoming@scicat.org.

The project aims to cast a light on propaganda before and during WWII, focusing on its role to enforce the concept of “enemy” – from national and ethnic groups to political opponents and social groups. Moreover a special attention will be given to the role of grassroots media and peace organizations in challenging propaganda through innovative communication methodologies and tools.
Whithin the project there will be 5 Remembrance weeks (short term mobilities) and currently we are looking for participants for the Remembrance week in Austria, from the 8th till the 17th of August 2021.
During the Remembrance Weeks participants, supported and guided by the Remembrance Messengers, will implement different activities aimed at going in depth into the following key words/topics:
- Remembrance
- Propaganda and media
- Nationalism
- Hatred of the enemy
- Grassroots media
- Pacifism
- Counter narratives
The Set of Infographics will be created on the basis of the researches participants will realize during the activity, focused on 10 specific topics:
- Fear
- Propaganda
- Gender
- Freedom of speech
- Nationalism
- History
- Normalization
- Youth
- Social Frustration
- Hate crimes
Participants will be asked to implement some previous research on the topics listed above with relation to their local contest, both in the past during the fascist/nazi regimes and in the present, in the policies or propaganda carried on by right-wings parties or movements.
It is important to bring to the Remembrance Week every material (soft and hard), pictures, fanzines, presentation, testimony that can give a contribution to the debate and to the research realization.
We are looking for participants who are:
Age 16+
Able to understand and express themselves in English
Willing to be open-minded and eager to learn from the workshops in this activity and from their peers, as well as maintain a positive attitude and a critical approach to the problematics and topics that will be reviewed
Interested in the topics of fascism, anti-fascism, propaganda, counter-propaganda, anti- racism, migration, etc.
Willing to contribute to the research creation with material, ideas, participation
Willing to share experiences and stories from their local environment/context and to collect material that will be useful for feeding the debate and realizing the research
Are committed to assist or take the lead role in planning and implementing local initiatives during the Remembrance Week in order to disseminate the learning outcomes.
The project covers the costs for:
- Travel (reimbursement up to 100 euro under reception of the Boarding Passes and all travelling documents)
- Food and accommodation during the Remembrance week
- Local transportation
- Health insurance
The costs for the eventual Covid-19 test cannot be reimbursed.
More information and Application:
General information about the Remembrance weeks can be found below
You can find more information about the Remembrance week in Austria (8 – 17 August) and apply by clicking here!
If you have some questions, please do not hesitate to write to cvs.katerina@gmail.com or to coordination.sciaustria@gmail.com

The project aims to cast a light on propaganda before and during WWII, focusing on its role to enforce the concept of “enemy” – from national and ethnic groups to political opponents and social groups. Moreover a special attention will be given to the role of grassroots media and peace organizations in challenging propaganda through innovative communication methodologies and tools.
Whithin the project there will be 5 Remembrance weeks (short term mobilities) and currently we are looking for participants for the Remembrance week in Poland, Poznan, from the 25th of June till the 4th of July 2021.
During the Remembrance Weeks participants, supported and guided by the Remembrance Messengers, will implement different activities aimed at going in depth into the following key words/topics:
- Remembrance
- Propaganda and media
- Nationalism
- Hatred of the enemy
- Grassroots media
- Pacifism
- Counter narratives
The Set of Infographics will be created on the basis of the researches participants will realize during the activity, focused on 10 specific topics:
- Fear
- Propaganda
- Gender
- Freedom of speech
- Nationalism
- History
- Normalization
- Youth
- Social Frustration
- Hate crimes
Participants will be asked to implement some previous research on the topics listed above with relation to their local contest, both in the past during the fascist/nazi regimes and in the present, in the policies or propaganda carried on by right-wings parties or movements.
It is important to bring to the Remembrance Week every material (soft and hard), pictures, fanzines, presentation, testimony that can give a contribution to the debate and to the research realization.
We are looking for participants who are:
Age 16+
Able to understand and express themselves in English
Willing to be open-minded and eager to learn from the workshops in this activity and from their peers, as well as maintain a positive attitude and a critical approach to the problematics and topics that will be reviewed
Interested in the topics of fascism, anti-fascism, propaganda, counter-propaganda, anti- racism, migration, etc.
Willing to contribute to the research creation with material, ideas, participation
Willing to share experiences and stories from their local environment/context and to collect material that will be useful for feeding the debate and realizing the research
Are committed to assist or take the lead role in planning and implementing local initiatives during the Remembrance Week in order to disseminate the learning outcomes.
The project covers the costs for:
- Travel (reimbursement up to 100 euro under reception of the Boarding Passes and all travelling documents)
- Food and accommodation during the Remembrance week
- Local transportation
- Health insurance
The costs for the eventual Covid-19 test cannot be reimbursed.
More information and Application:
General information about the Remembrance weeks can be found below
You can find more information about the Remembrance week in Poland (25 June – 4 July) and apply by clicking here!
If you have some questions, please do not hesitate to write to cvs.katerina@gmail.com or to incoming@jedenswiat.org.pl

The project aims to cast a light on propaganda before and during WWII, focusing on its role to enforce the concept of “enemy” – from national and ethnic groups to political opponents and social groups. Moreover a special attention will be given to the role of grassroots media and peace organizations in challenging propaganda through innovative communication methodologies and tools.
Whithin the project there will be 5 Remembrance weeks (short term mobilities) and currently we are looking for participants for the Remembrance week in Rome, Italy, which will take place from 14th to 23th June 2021.
During the Remembrance Weeks participants, supported and guided by the Remembrance Messengers, will implement different activities aimed at going in depth into the following key words/topics:
- Remembrance
- Propaganda and media
- Nationalism
- Hatred of the enemy
- Grassroots media
- Pacifism
- Counter narratives
The Set of Infographics will be created on the basis of the researches participants will realize during the activity, focused on 10 specific topics:
- Fear
- Propaganda
- Gender
- Freedom of speech
- Nationalism
- History
- Normalization
- Youth
- Social Frustration
- Hate crimes
Participants will be asked to implement some previous research on the topics listed above with relation to their local contest, both in the past during the fascist/nazi regimes and in the present, in the policies or propaganda carried on by right-wings parties or movements.
It is important to bring to the Remembrance Week every material (soft and hard), pictures, fanzines, presentation, testimony that can give a contribution to the debate and to the research realization.
We are looking for participants who are:
Age 16+
Able to understand and express themselves in English
Willing to be open-minded and eager to learn from the workshops in this activity and from their peers, as well as maintain a positive attitude and a critical approach to the problematics and topics that will be reviewed
Interested in the topics of fascism, anti-fascism, propaganda, counter-propaganda, anti- racism, migration, etc.
Willing to contribute to the research creation with material, ideas, participation
Willing to share experiences and stories from their local environment/context and to collect material that will be useful for feeding the debate and realizing the research
Are committed to assist or take the lead role in planning and implementing local initiatives during the Remembrance Week in order to disseminate the learning outcomes.
The project covers the costs for:
- Travel (reimbursement up to 100 euro under reception of the Boarding Passes and all travelling documents)
- Food and accommodation during the Remembrance week
- Local transportation
- Health insurance
The costs for the eventual Covid-19 test cannot be reimbursed.
More information and Application:
General information about the Remembrance weeks can be found below
You can find more information about the Remembrance week in Italy ( 14-23rd June) and apply by clicking here!
If you have some questions, please do not hesitate to write to Katerina at cvs.katerina@gmail.com or to Claudia at formazione@sci-italia.it.

We would like to invite you to participate in the Online Training Course “CHAPTER: Anti-fascism on the Spotlight” which will gather 25 representatives of organisations from 9 countries – Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Spain and Bulgaria. Participants from other EU program countries are also welcome to apply. The training is designed for active volunteers who are eager to learn more on the topic of anti-fascism and later apply their knowledge in three types of project activities: Remembrance weeks, a Research and a Campaign.
About the Training Course “CHAPTER: Anti-fascism on the Spotlight”
The online training will gather 25 participants, nominated by the partner organizations, who are interested in the topic, politically and/or socially active and available for (at least) one of the Remembrance weeks, described above. The training aims to build and train a group of experienced multipliers (remembrance messengers) and remembrance week coordinators, set up a research on the topic and define contents of the Remembrance weeks within the project.
The training is designed to prepare the future Remembrance messengers and Remembrance Weeks’ coordinators, providing them with practical and theoretical knowledge on the topic of anti-fascism. Apart from being introduced to research methodologies and communication/anti-propaganda tools, they will learn how to use non-formal education tools in order to reflect on the following main questions:
- What do we understand by “fascism”? Where does it come from, why does it appear and why do people fall in its net?
- What history tells us about fascism?
- What are the current trends and why far right wing parties/movements are rising across Europe? What are the effects of globalisation on the new forms of fascism?
- How to deconstruct the narrative of “them vs. us”?
- Which psychosocial mechanisms are involved in fascism and populism? What do fascist speeches have in common?
- What are the effects and consequences of fascism in our societies?
- Why must we fight fascism? What’s the role of activism and peace organizations?
- What new communication methodologies and tools are used to fight fascism?
The specific goals of this training are as follows:
- To train a group of messengers and coordinators who will lead the following Remembrance Weeks in each of the partner countries and organisations;
- Gain and share knowledge on the basic concepts, history and theories around the topics of fascism and anti-fascism, based on meeting with experts, peer learning and self-assessment techniques;
- Develop critical thinking on the topic of fascism, to be able to recognize fallacies in speech and identify the signs of extremism;
- Developing the competences of the participants to plan, organize and implement educational activities on anti-fascism;
- Develop tools to work on prevention or to react in cases of fascism, hate speech, exclusions or violence (online and offline);
- Learn new tools on how to develop and implement a campaign based on previous examples;
- To conduct a research on all materials that can be useful and relevant to the specific tasks of the training and gather them ;
- To create a toolkit with all useful information at the end of the training, which can be used in the following Remembrance Weeks;
- Create a bond and ground for international cooperation and networking.
Dates, platform, methodology, experts’ team and draft program of the training course
The training will take place from 3rd to 12th of April 2021 and the team will use the ZOOM platform to interact between 2 and 4 hours daily in the mentioned period.
Within 10 working days (the program envisages 2-4 working hours per day, using non-formal learning methodology) the group will be able to:
– gather a collection of coordination tools, which will be used for the activities during the Remembrance Weeks
– collect materials on the topic from the different national contexts
– define the scope and framework of a research on the topic, receive tips on research methodologies
– set the outlines of a media campaign on the topic
– contribute to the report of the activity.
The participants are required to be available for the whole duration of the training, taking part in all the plenary and small group sessions, as well as pair and individual tasks. The methods used during the training will follow the non-formal learning methodology: working in small groups, discussions in plenary, brainstorming, presenting, role play, simulations, etc. The team of trainers will consist of international experienced trainers, facilitators and experts.
The selected participants will receive the training program, trainers profile info and some individual small tasks to complete prior to the start of the activity.
Partner countries and organisations
- Service Civil International Osterreich – Austria
- CVS-Bulgaria – Bulgaria
- Service Civil International Hellas – Greece
- Servizio Civile Internazionale Italia – Italy
- Centro Studi Sereno Regis – Italy
- Stowarzyszenie Jeden Swiat – Poland
- Servei Civil Internacional de Catalunya Asociacion – Spain
- Le Service Civil International – France
- Service Civil International – Deutscher Zweig E.V. – Germany
- Utilapu Nemzetkozi Epitotabor Halozat Egyesulet – Hungary
- DINAMOpress – Italy
- UNITED for Intercultural Action – Hungary
Participants from other EU program countries are also welcome to apply however priority will be given to candidates from the project partner countries.
The schedule of the training will follow the proposed below agenda:
3rd April (Saturday) – 4h – 10:00-13:30 CET
4th April (Sunday) – OFF
5th April (Monday) – OFF
6th April (Tuesday) – 4h – 10:00-13:30 CET
7th April (Wednesday) – 4h – 10:00-13:30 CET
8th April (Thursday) – 4h – 10:00-13:30 CET
9th April (Friday) – 4h – 10:00-13:30 CET
10th April (Saturday) – 4h – 10:00-13:30 CET
11th April (Sunday) – 4h – 10:00-13:30 CET
12th April (Monday) – 4h – 10:00-13:30 CET
*There will be 30 min break in between sessions of 4h.
The selected participants will receive the training program, trainers profile info and some individual small tasks to complete prior to the start of the activity.
Profile of the participants
The profile of the candidate should be the following:
- Age 18+
- Able to understand and express themselves in English;
- Politically or/and socially active;
- Have and/or willing to gain experience in coordinating international activities (such as Workcamps, Peace weeks or Remembrance Weeks) and ready to organize the Remembrance week in their country on the topic of the project;
- Committed to attend for the full duration of the online training
- Volunteers, activists and youth workers/coordinators who want to learn more about innovative communication methodologies and effective tools to protect refugees and national minorities from organised violence;
- Willing to learn more about the evolution of fascism, effects and consequences of the ideology in the current situation;
- Willing to share experiences and stories from their local environment, family, friends and school (university) regarding to unfair attitude to refugees, national minorities and other;
- Willing to be open-minded and eager to learn from the workshops in this activity and from their peers, as well as maintain a positive attitude and a critical approach to the problematics and topics that will be reviewed;
- Are committed to assist or take the lead role in planning and implementing local initiatives in order to disseminate the learning outcomes.
All participants will receive a certificateupon successful completion of the training course.
Application procedureThe detailed call for participants can be found here.
If you are interested in participating, apply filling in the online application form.
The final selection will be done by CVS-Bulgaria, giving priority to candidates proposed by the Partner Organisations as long as their application is submitted within the deadline and the candidates profile fits with the participants profile envisaged in this call.
Selected participants will be informed. All applicants will be informed about the final decision.
You can reach us on the following e-mail: trainings@cvs-bg.org if you have further questions.
Looking forward to meeting you soon in the virtual space of or training!
Chapter project team

We are happy to share that CVS – Bulgaria is part of the project “HOWs” under the framework of K2: Erasmus+ programme, carried out in partnership with organizations from 3 different countries – Baltic Regional Fund (Latvia), VSI “Inovatyvi karta” (Lithuania), Tudatos Ifjusagert Alapitvany (Hungary). The project was launched on 1.09.2020 and has a total duration of 19 months.
Driven by the ambition and desire to help young people acquire knowledge and practical skills on how to turn their ideas into completed successful projects and to increase their active citizenship and civic participation, together with our partners we have been preparing a diverse and rich programme with various and innovative initiatives, which will also include the creation of an interactive mobile platform with an educational and practical purpose as well a manual giving guidance to the most common problems and difficulties being faced during the process of seeing a problem-thinking of an idea-and coming with a solution.
The project is intended to directly involve more than 370 people and many more indirectly, including representatives of various non-governmental organizations/volunteers, etc.
Expect shortly more details about all the possibilities around the project and how to become part of it.