Have you heard about perma culture? It is a model of sustainalble living developed in the 70s in Australia. Today there are thousands of perma culture projects all around the world. If you would like to hear more, on Wednesday, September 18th we will organize permaculture evening as part of Service Civil International campaign “Climate Justice”.
In first part of evening, Marko* from Serbia will talk about the concept of perma culture, history, practical solutions and interesting perma culture projects in Italy and Balkan countries. Marko is a volunteer in NAture School in Vlahi for 2 months. His project is run by the SCI working group for the Balkans – SAVA.
In the second part of the evening, Dora** from Hungary will talk about Nature School Vlahi and her voluntary service at this educational center for sustainable living. Dora is an EVS volunteer in CVS – Bulgaria. She is doing her service in Nature School for 6 months.
A discussion will follow the presentations.
*Marko Ikonic is an active volunteer in SCI since 2007 and a committed environmental activist. He has a Master degree in Environmental Sciences and during his European Voluntary Service in Italy he visited several permaculture projects and wrote his thesis about it: “Permaculture as sustainable way of living”. **Dora is a volunteer in CVS – Bulgaria for 6 months through the European Voluntary Service of the Youth in Action Programme.Date: 18th September
When: 19:00
Where: Social Centre Adelante
Entrance: Free
The event in Facebook>>

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