Together is Better
Cooperation for Voluntary Service – Bulgaria (CVS – Bulgaria) and BlueLink Information Network are working on the project “Together is better – developing an efficient network for volunteering”. The main purpose of the project is to improve the communication and interaction between organizations and institutions working with volunteers and people who are willing to participate in voluntary activities in Bulgaria; thus, increasing the information and knowledge about the importance of volunteering; presenting the possibilities for voluntary work in Bulgaria.
The project started in September 2009 and aims at creating a network for volunteering to encourage and support the development of volunteering in Bulgaria. The main goal is the creation of an accessible online database that facilitates the exchange of information about the possibilities for voluntary work in Bulgaria.
This one-year project consists of two stages. During the first stage CVS – Bulgaria studied best practices abroad on existing voluntary networks. The results from this research helped defining the parameters of our database. The next step was organizing a forum on volunteering which gave opportunity to Bulgarian non-governmental organizations, institutions, local authorities and companies that work with volunteers to discuss the parameters of a future cooperation between them.
The second stage of the project is the presentation and popularization of the database throughout the country with the purpose to inform interested organizations and institutions about the capabilities of the database.
The project is supported by a grant from the Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe.