CVS-Bulgaria is a partner of the project “Magic in the Projects” (2018-3-LV02-KA105-002343). The main project activity was a training course that took place from 7 till 14 July 2019 in Latvia. We are happy to share the impressions of Nina Grueva and Boyan Michev that participated in the training for youth workers “Magic in the Projects”. The training is co-financed by Erasmus+ Program: Youth in Action.

Soon we will share more news about an event to be organized in the autumn on the topic of the training as well as a booklet “Project HOWs BOOK”, with the secrets of the magic in the projects.

Nina’s impressions
I was born and raised with the love for books and literature, and fairytales. And as fairytales are usually about magic, here is a fairytale I want to tell.
Magic, we are told, comes out of nowhere; out of places you hardly expect it to – rabbits out of a hat, a Christmas tree with a few moves with a wizard’s wand, a cup of tea with just a click of your fingers. In my case, I made a few clicks with the mousepad of my laptop, and not long after I was on my way to the Erasmus + Training course called “Magic in the Projects” in Latvia. This was my first Erasmus+ experience ever, so you could imagine what I felt: a pinch of anxiety, a dip of uncertainty, a sparkle of curiosity whatsoever.
So this plane (or may be two) took me from Sofia, Bulgaria to Puduri, Kegums region in Latvia, where Ginta, Natalie and Liga were expecting 30 people from 10 different European countries, different cultures, different backgrounds, different well, everthing, except our mission – to see what is the secret behind a good project. And so, it began. Day by day, we were pointed to the direction of magic, but we were provoked to find it by ourselves and experience it in our own way, but at the same time all together. By Learning to learn, Learning by doing, Learning to be with others, we found where magic is, felt it and were encouraged to implement it immediately in our small projects during the course.
So after a hardly summer-ish week in Latvia, rediscovering people and their abilities to create, to inspire and make you believe that you actually can (hug it out), I came back in Bulgaria ready to share what I have learned and discovered, ready to show that magic lies even in the things that you already know how to do, ready to contaminate with the Erasmus+ free spirit, open mind and heart, and meet you with the amazing and full-of-stories to tell people I met there.
I could keep on talking “Latvia and magic” and not finish this text any time soon, but if I have to actually sum it up in a few words, they would most probably be:
A big THANK YOU to each and every one of you for the amazing time we spent and the unforgettable memories we created together. Thank you Ginta, Natalie and Liga, for giving us a new insight into what a magical project is! Thank you for guiding us through the way of planning, organizing, and making a project as memorable as this one.
Boyan’s story about the project
In the period between 7th and 14th July 2019 the Training course “Magic in the Projects” took place in Latvia. The project was realized due to the financial support of „Erasusm+ Programme“. The organizers from Baltic Regional Fund hosted their partners from nine other EU countries in the village of Puduri and the finale was put in the capital – Riga. The participants in the project were an ideal mix of youngsters without any Erasmus+ experience and youth workers with many successful projects under their belts. The TC aimed the participants, guided by the well-prepared trainers from Latvia and Bulgaria, to exchange their previous experience with the Program, to share good practices and draw conclusions from previous mistakes as well in order to workout a formula of what makes a project true success and… really magical. The trainers had scheduled an intense pool of various activities and NFL methods, including discussions, games, team work, simulations etc., encouraging creativity and inventiveness in solving different cases. The team spirit of the participants was strengthened not without challenges that put them out of the comfort zone in order to test their own firmness, flexibility and potential to work under stress. The hard work throughout the days quickened the communication, sharing and partner networking for future magical projects. The camp fire and drum circle were just an alternative place and tool for team-building. Another demonstration of the balanced and detail-driven program was the special surprise by the organizers for all the participants: the incredible festivity for the senses at the multimedia exhibition „The Great Modernists – from Monet to Kandinsky“ in Riga’s Old Town.
After a week in Latvia’s countryside, clear air and on Daugava’s banks – an ideal atmosphere for harmony and truly devotion to activities, I can conclude that the recipe for the Magic in the Projects lays within the perfect preparation and dedication, persevering hard work and positive attitude toward all team members, because only then our common efforts make sense and produce good results.
And the training in pictures

The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

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