Кои сме ние?

CVS-Bulgaria was founded by Bulgarian volunteers who participated in short term voluntary projects abroad – workcamps in Switzerland, Holland and Germany. We were greatly impressed with the exchanges, so we decided to organize similar camps in Bulgaria. During the summer of 1998 two workcamps were organized – one in the Central Balkan Mountains and one at Chairite lakes, in which young volunteers from different countries participated. In December 1998 a study visit was organized to Belgium and Holland, where the participants had the opportunity to become acquainted with the working system for voluntary service internationally, and to visit and build partnerships with organizations working in the area of international voluntary exchange. As a result of the study visit, EcoClub2000, Balkani Wildlife Society and Pro International Bulgaria established Cooperation for Voluntary Service- Bulgaria.

Визия и мисия


CVS Bulgaria promotes the development of societal values and encourages responsible behaviour towards peace, social justice and nature protection culture. This is achieved by organizing volunteer initiatives and educational programmes.

Визия за обществото:

A pacifist, informed, aware and active society which is open and responsible towards nature, others and itself.

Values that activities of CVS are respecting are also the ones on which vision and goals of CVS are based:

  • peace
  • awareness
  • tolerance
  • responsibility
  • solidarity
  • equality
  • initiative
  • respect
  • democracy
  • positivism

Цели на Си Ви Ес – България:

In the function of achieving the vision, basic goals that CVS wishes to accomplish by its operation are:

  1. Contributing to a society informed and interested in volunteering.
  2. Improved system of values and raised awareness of social justice and environmental issues in society.