If you’ve been inside for days on end amid the COVID-19 pandemic, you might be getting a little stir-crazy — or at the very least, feeling bored. This is why our ESC volunteer Anna decided to prepare a list of ideas to add some structure and fresh colors in your days while you are staying at home.
1) Try TikTok:
This is entertaining app of a short-form mobile video where you can dance, learn choreographies and it is also a great way to do exercises. The mission of this app is to inspire creativity and bring joy. Check it out here: https://www.tiktok.com/home/
2) Become a Master chef:
You can use your time to learn a few recipes and create a meal to be proud of.
3) Read a book:
If you are looking for things to do while you are stuck at home then reading is perfect. It is relaxing for you and easy to get yourself immersed in. Where you have some recommendations:
https://www.jessicawayne.com/free-and-99cent-reads, http://www.openculture.com
4) Listen to music:
There is music for all moments (do sports, party, relaxing…) There are several apps that you can download and enjoy the music. Spotify, Deezer, YouTube…This is a website where you can listen to the radio from all over the world: http://radio.garden/visit/wolverhampton/hLYmBNlA
5) Do sports:
It is important to do sport during there days because you spend a lot of hours without moving your body. These days you can find a lot of Gyms and personal trainers that are doing free classes on his social media.
6) Watch movies, documentaries, and series:
A great option to entertain yourself. You can use Netflix, HBO, Amazon Premium, Youtube…
7) Phone a friend:
You can call your friends and keep in touch with them. There is several apps: Skype, Zoom, Hangouts, Houseparty…
8) Be positive:
It is very important to have a routine. Make your bed, cook healthy recipes, clean your house, wear comfortable clothes but not pajama :D…
9) Enroll in a course:
Have you wanted to learn something new? Now is a great time to make a start. There are some learning programs you can access from your computer or phone. https://www.coursera.org/ https://www.edx.org
10) Take a break from the news:
It can be really overwhelming to hear all the time updates about the coronavirus. It is important to stay informed but sometimes it is good to limit our social media exposure and to have our personal space. Take a break and spend the time on another activity, such as those we have suggested here.

The project “Volunteering Circles” (2018-2-BG01-KA125-048262) is Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and Human Resource Development Center (HRDC).
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